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  • 9 years ago
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    Red Eye Jedi

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  • 9 years ago
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    Haha, and wreck their public relations with their users in the process, while new services without such "cooperative relationships" pop up? I'm sure Google and others are all over this idea...

  • 9 years ago
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    alot is now level 4 with 6,870 XP.

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  • 9 years ago
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    Hat Trick

    Maintained a 3 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations alot on this achievement!

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  • 9 years ago
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    I think trying to wipe them out will only have us enter a long, costly war with them, which will end not because it is won, but because of war-weariness. They'll just have an even easier time to recruit new members, with us being seen as aggressors. I think the tough but correct way of dealing with them is to work towards reducing social class differences and poverty. ISIS, like many extremist movements, largely plays on emotions as they recruit members. Emotions like anger, despair, frustration, neglect.

  • 9 years ago
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    Aren't articles often longform pieces? I'd take this quote with a grain of salt. Facebook has clearly not been about inline, longform pieces, I agree with that... Because it hasn't had a good, intentionally designed feature for it. Now it will have. I'll wait and see. I think it would be a move for the better for Facebook. Can't wait to see more content and less re-shared BS from 9gag and whatnot.

  • 9 years ago
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    I'm really torn over this.

    I saw the sample posts someone with access had posted, and they looked great. Much more suitable for long form reading. I think this is a very useful and strangely neglected feature of a network designed for communication. They increased the length of the regular status updates, but it's just not the same thing and becomes a bit like reading very long tweets if such a thing existed; just a mass of text rather than things that feel more like articles.

    So I think it's a great feature for Facebook and a step forward. I may even use it myself. I've found that it's much easier to get feedback on things posted to Facebook than on a personal website. In general, in this social network era, blogs seem to be dying. They're like islands trying to fight the urbanized mainland. And there's why I'm torn. That evolution of the web is not one in the right direction. You don't own what's posted, but it's Facebook's content. You post there since you love the feedback, the convenience, and since it's becoming the only really good option to easily keep in touch with others and make yourself heard, and then Facebook decides to remove or change this feature at a whim, and everything you posted follows.

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  • 9 years ago
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    To conveniently keep in touch with friends and family. "Everyone" uses it here. The best part of Facebook is how it largely killed e-mail, and with it, spam. I no longer get any spam in my private messages, per the design of the service. What I dislike about Facebook is how much it's centralizing the web. This can't be healthy in the long run.

  • 9 years ago
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    Tried to sign up for a notice when it's available in my country: mine isn't even listed. :(

  • 9 years ago
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    Nix and Hydra, now also known as Nugget and Llama.

  • 9 years ago
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    alot is now level 3 with 4,120 XP.

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  • 9 years ago
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    Chatter Box

    Posted a total of 10/10 comments! Congratulations alot on this achievement!

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  • 9 years ago
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    I think this is mostly "home office PC's" where tablets can be used. People using them as Facebook and mail machines, and where "games" are Facebook games. There's got to be immense amounts of them out there. As for PC gaming, I think that's a different picture. It's a completely different experience to sit at a 27" display, a keyboard, and mouse, compared to anything mobile. The gaming PC market may still be hurt due to slow upgrade cycles but I hope and think that it'll survive the foreseeable future, and further, be an attractive enough market for game developers.

  • 9 years ago
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    I think assisting copyright crime should be punishable but this case always felt ridiculous and honestly a travesty. I'm so sad that so great parts of their lives were taken away from them, worrying and being preoccupied dealing with this. Being sued for astronomical sums, ensuring ruin of their future financial lives.

    I'm not sure how to best handle a case like this in law. Yes, it's clear what the intention of TPB was, but at the same time, once you move away from what they were prosecuted for (assisting copyright crime), and towards this list of damages due to illegal film distribution, while leaving the people who actually uploaded and downloaded the stuff completely free of charge, something is off. It's just that suddenly it feels like it stopped being about assisting infringement, and instead illegal distribution, but in which case, they were distributing nothing. Not a single byte of copyright protected data passed through their servers.

    I think most fair would be a revised law so that there can be a penalty for building a website like this, and that they are fined for that instead? (and then a far lower sum... building a torrent site has never harmed the industry to a comparable level of destroying multiple persons current and future financial lives)

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  • 9 years ago
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    The gender switch is an interesting new touch on the idea of reboots, although I still consider it a reboot which makes me pessimistic. There is a lot of nostalgy to throw out and replace for them, and nostalgy is a powerful emotion.

  • 9 years ago
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    Yes, I disliked Voat because it didn't try to be more than Reddit. Sure, they don't shadowban there, and they are more liberal in what they allow, but this is not innate to the site and may well change in the future, especially if they become popular. With popularity comes attention, with attention comes expectations. Suddenly they need a lot of money to run the servers, it's financed by venture capitalists, and they get worried if there is bad press about a nudity scandal, and then there's a reform and suddenly NSFW (just to pick an example) is policed in a completely different way.

    Just saying that these things, what people appreciate Voat for, can be transitionary. They sure were with Reddit. And in that case, what in the world was won if moving there? Snapzu may also work differently in the future, who knows, but at least the foundation is better. It's clearly a better website. Reddit felt more streamlined than Digg. There were subreddits. Whole new concepts at the time. This feels like yet a next step. And if I move, I sure want to take steps in the process.

    PS. I'm actually a bit pleased over Voat's attention. It already seems to attract a kind of users I wouldn't like to be here. I definitely wouldn't like to have a mass exodus of people who like to shame "fat people" to this place. Many move to Voat for reasons I don't mind them moving there for at all. Voat's attention could end up making it this bloated site which ruined Reddit, while I hope Snapzu will ride the benefits of a tight knit community a bit better. At the same time, I of course want an active, large community discussing both mainstream and niche subject. It can really be a fine line to balance...

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  • 9 years ago
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    I think many of the sentiments against global warming can be summed up in the quote "I want to believe". I think many want to believe that this isn't as bad as it looks, they want to believe we have missed something. When there is a nugget of something, just something, the report instantly get praised and many choose to believe in it. Because the alternative is too hard to manage, to come to terms with.

    The most scary part of this is that I don't think we're people enough to be able to manage this beast. People often seem to be terribly short sighted. If the problem isn't at the door, it isn't a problem. I think global warming will slow down about a century after wars have broken out for it due to the food and water shortage it will present. The levels of atmospheric CO2 will persist for even 1000 years, but it's believed to reach equilibrium with the oceans in "just" 100 years. So I think there'll be a very long "lag" from civilizations being in a much worse state than today, to it getting better.

    Actually this is the wall scientists have been banging their heads against for years already. They keep saying that if we don't do anything "yesterday", the problem will just keep getting worse. In a sense, I think our current state is a bit like if a person is delaying seeking medical advice out of a fear of having cancer. That's a real bad idea if you actually have cancer. Just like here, this is a common, yet counterintuitive psychological phenomenon.

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  • 9 years ago
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    I'm a developer who intend to upgrade to Windows 10 and play around with Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition as soon as both of these are released. VS 2015 will support the latest Windows 10 API's. I like this website and it would be fun to at least play around and see. Visual Studio will be free for development on the conditions that it's being used for open source projects, which I guess this one could very well be since it would in that case just be a spare time project.

  • 9 years ago
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    Thank you!

  • 9 years ago
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  • 9 years ago
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    I've never been this pumped about the Stonehenge!

    Posted in: Ylvis - Stonehenge

  • 9 years ago
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    Yes, besides the fresh start feeling (I can still smell the new car smell on my account!), and the good vibes I get from the community, these features and the general design is impressive. I also like the link contributions. Finally no longer buried like in basically all other social news sites. Makes me wonder why it wasn't thought of before (= a sign of an unusually good feature).

  • 9 years ago
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    I keep staring, it feels like a JPEG just waiting to load completely. I can only imagine what we'll see very soon. Things are changing quickly now. The hickup when it entered safe mode was a bit scary, so here's hoping it stays unsafe for now.

  • 9 years ago
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    Hello lads and lasses!

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