• picklefingers (edited 8 years ago)

    I have to agree with one thing in particular. The response to Ellen was sickening. Don't get me wrong, I am VERY glad that she is not the CEO anymore. I don't think she had the right goals in mind with the reddit community and I don't think she understood the community. I openly admit I signed the petition, not out of malice, but because I honestly believe that she does not fit with reddit.

    But some of the responses WERE sickening. Death threats, having her face on the front page for days and days with nasty messages, and almost endless racist and sexist comments. Don't get me wrong, if it was just a couple crass jokes here and there, it would have been fine. However when a crass joke is some of the tamer things going on, you know you have a problem. There is absolutely no excuse for some of the things that were said and posted during her time with reddit.

    But, to the message as a whole, I am glad. This was a good decision. It looks like they are heading the right direction, especially with Steve being excited about mobile. Improving the mobile functionality would be good for me personally because I'm spending an increasingly less amount of time by a desktop.

    Who knows what's going to happen. Maybe Steve Hufffman is going to change things around. Maybe he is just going to continue Ellen's direction and the site will continue to lose members. Only time will tell.

    On a side note, didn't they do this on the "no reddit day"? Clever.