9 years ago
Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 10166 | Windows Blog
Hi everyone, we have a new build for PCs we’re releasing today to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring – Build 10166. Just like the 3 builds we released last week, this build is all about bug fixing and fit-and-finish. Be sure to keep using the Windows Feedback app to send us feedback on any problems you’re hitting to help us make sure Windows 10 is awesome when we release it on July 29th!
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So far, I've been loving windows 10. It is a beautiful, fast OS that has been kicking ass at everything I ask it to do on a 4+ year old computer.
Really hope this OS release works out for them.
If you're not upgraded yet and want to give it a try, I definitely recommend doing so. You can install an ISO and upgrade straight to the final release when it comes out! I especially recommend it if you're on 8. It is worlds better.
Quite right! I've added a related content link to a snap I published in /t/Windows10 on how users can get started and I highly recommend it to anyone who reads this as well. :) Thanks for the voucher /u/wolfeater! EDIT: Also here is this awesome resource I put together.
I'm on the slow ring, and I've loved it ever since first beta. I wish I had a mic though, Cortana seems incredible, and I can't wait to give her a spin.
Agreed, still a few minor bugs in the 10162 release that I've been using but it's feeling really good.
I'm really hoping some of the ui details transition to Windows Phone, for instance the glass like effect for the notifications drawer.