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Published 9 years ago by VoyagerXyX with 21 Comments
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  • the7egend

    I've been using Edge off and on even when it was called Project Spartan and I've been pretty impressed by it, it's blazingly fast and responsive and it's pretty intuitive. Only thing that bothers me is when you open a new tab it brings the would be URL bar down in the middle like it's a search bar instead of just staying up top.

    • zerozechs

      I've been testing out Edge as well. The only thing that's bothering me right now is if I try to save a site to the favorites bar, I can't enter it with no name (so that only the page icon appears) like I can in chrome or firefox. It's a piddly thing that I'm sure they'll fix at some point, and hopefully this new build will have already addressed it.

      The update is coming in now on my laptop, which is currently running 10162, which I've found to be fast and stable, but still has some bugs (notably in the search bar and in Cortana). I'm looking forward to seeing how they tweak things.

      • vraylle

        ...I had no idea you could do that. TIL. Have an upvote! Now I'm off to update my bookmarks for a while.

      • VoyagerXyX

        It's funny you mention the Cortana bugs. I realized the other day Cortana was neglecting to return a result for my query "Paint". I actually chuckled out loud to myself. I'm sure these things are being ironed out as we speak or have already been taken care of but yes, I agree. Windows 10 and the new edge are both largely impressive!

    • jarekb84

      Any idea how well this conforms to standards? I'm coming at this from a web application developer's point of view, should I expect my apps to work in a similar fashion to Chrome and Firefox?

      • VoyagerXyX

        I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure it meets the HTML5 and CSS 3 standards at the very least.

    • Autumnal

      The second that it supports some extensions, it's my main browser. It's so fast and elegant. I just need mah lastpass.

    • VoyagerXyX

      If you haven't tried the latest version in 10240 I highly recommend you give it a drive around the block, very impressive.

  • danielxvu (edited 9 years ago)

    I had a Surface Pro 2 for a while, and it was pretty great. But, I couldn't shake the memory of an instructor telling me about how Microsoft did a bunch of great work revamping Windows Vista, but was forced by the US government to basically pull back on all the changes that would've forced businesses to upgrade their stuff. As he put it, "You think Microsoft can't hire the best engineers in the world?"

    So, I feel that while everything looks nice on the surface (heh) and this new direction of theirs is great in terms of opening up their code base, I still feel like it's a waste of time using Windows when Microsoft is always going to be crippled by its own success behind the scenes as long as they still are dominant.

    So, I sold the Surface Pro and went back to my old laptop. No regrets.

    • VoyagerXyX

      Will your laptop run Windows, or are you on Linux?

      • danielxvu

        I'm running Linux full-time on it now, but I was using Windows 8.1 with no problems previously.

        • VoyagerXyX

          I know this is a Windows thread but I'm just curious what distro you settled on?

          • danielxvu

            Heh, does one ever really settle?

            I use Ubuntu Mate for a laptop that's 8 years old and is currently serving as a media PC. For my main laptop, I use Fedora/Ubuntu, depending on where I'm at professionally. Right now, I like having Ubuntu maintain updates for Vagrant and Virtualbox for me, since I don't have to worry about manually adding repositories and taking care of dependencies myself. But I love how clean and committed to free software Fedora is, as well as the fact it always has much more recent software than Ubuntu. Fedora requires a bit of fiddling to get licensed stuff (like for mp3/DVD codecs) though whereas Ubuntu is able to get away with providing it in its repositories due to Canonical not being incorporated in the US.

            I'm thinking of moving to Arch Linux for the rolling releases (meaning that I'll never have to do a complete reformat to install the latest version of a distro again, ideally).

            On servers, I use CentOS for the stability.

            TL;DR: On desktops: Ubuntu for easy software installation and Fedora for minimal base/up-to-date software support. For servers: CentOS.

  • Pockets69

    it seems that the 240 build will be the RTM... all other are th2 for treshold 2(wich will be an update to windows 10 like 8.1 was to 8, most likely)...

    as it stands it should be leaked tomorrow or so, the windows store version will be availble most likely on 29.

    Seriously this version of windows has everything to go right, lets see if they don't screw up this time, congrats on microsoft for making a solid OS that now looks whole, not 2 different things mashed together.

  • zerozechs

    Playing around with 240 now, since it just finished installing on my laptop. So far so good, most of my gripes have been addressed (Cortana listens for more than half a second, some of the hinky behavior smoothed out etc.). Other things will take some time (MS Update has been a bit wonky, and I had to go into the console to shut down and restart some services to get it to update) to see if they are behaving better. My gripe about not being able to have no title favorites in the favorites bar hasn't been addressed, though.

    That being said, check out the MS Edge load page on the initial load; some of the icons shown aren't present yet (smiley face to send feedback, favorites icon is different etc.), so I think they'll push out an update to edge itself via Update in the next few days as they get closer to releasing the final candidate.

    So far, so good. Really impressed by this build, and how it's developed over the past few months.

    • Autumnal

      try right clicking in Edge, the little effect for the contextual menu looks superb

      • zerozechs

        That is pretty slick, and not something I'd noticed before. Thanks for the head's up!

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