• idlethreat

    The biggest blunder wasn't the password, it was him giving it up to law enforcement in the first place.

    Even if it was a silly password, decrypting it would take 2.03 hundred thousand centuries, according to GRC Haystack.

    Don't do bad shit. If you do bad shit, at least be bright enough to encrypt your stuff securely. That means good passwords. I recommend reviewing XKCD's take on passwords and apply it. "Chewy 123" is sort of a crappy password "I plead the 5th amendment." is a superb password that can keep important stuff locked away for trillions of centuries.

    Remember kids, the cops are not your friend. Don't give them your password. Set your password to something super secure and use encryption.

    • messi

      If a cop asked me for my password for even my phone I would just laugh in his face