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Published 9 years ago by TNY with 15 Comments

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Conversation 11 comments by 9 users
  • stoa (edited 9 years ago)

    They silently added a bitcoin miner to the uTorrent installer a few months ago, I don't trust this company. Anyone who wants uTorrent should download the old 2.2.1 build that has no ads, opencandy adware or bitcoin miner. Or even better try Deluge or qBittorrent which are open-source and cross-platform BitTorrent clients.

    • Graskaas

      Deluge is a fantastic client - it looks a lot like the old uTorrent! Halite is another good one.

      • Fotonurth

        I moved to Deluge after the miner debacle. No turning back. I second this suggestions.

    • ttk

      Transmission is also a fine Mac or Linux alternative.

    • Fuyu

      I'm surprised TorrentFreak would feign innocence on this matter when it's common knowledge uTorrent is actually malicious. I guess they're trying to push this as another "censorship of torrents" thing and not actually legitimate malware blocking.

      • stoa

        Yes I actually thought that they were a serious news source, but it looks like they're willing to do anything for more revenue, just like uTorrent.

      • imnotgoats

        Yeah, I thought this. It doesn't really strike me that moral outrage is the appropriate course of action when the software has secretly used computer resources to make someone money. Torrentfreak even reported on it in March.

        They did apologise and apparently remove it, but even if it's clean now and a mistake on the part of the companies mentioned, I don't really think outrage really works here - they've shown they are willing to exploit their users.

    • RdVortex

      qBittorrent is indeed a great client. I've been using it for years, though nowadays I really rarely have need for a torrent client.

    • dmt

      I switched to Tixati for any torrenting needs once I learned uTorrent did that. It's really simple and frill-free. Though, I don't torrent as much as I used to, so I don't require anything fancy. It's usually just for large mod packs these days. Like HD textures or whatnot.

    • folkrav

      I'm kind of on the edge about those two... They look bad. GTK looks bad on Windows, and qBittorrent has some horrible 90s looking icons. I get all that "function over form" thing, but I really hate using an ugly piece of software if I have to look at it regularly...

      Still switched to qBittorrent for mentioned reasons, but I really hoped there was some way to change those icons on qBittorrent. Which it probably is possible to do, given it's a Qt app...

  • SevenTales

    It's been a while since bitorrent inc. was seen as a company to be trusted. Since the bitminer "incident", They've been plunging ever deeper into seedy territory. What a shame.

  • TheDreamingMonk (edited 9 years ago)

    This comment has been removed

  • HammieTime

    This used to be my favorite torrent client. Greed over comes all.

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