9 years ago
Eating chicken is morally worse than killing Cecil the lion
If the outcry over the killing of Cecil the lion tells us anything, it's that people are capable of genuine moral outrage at the needless killing of animals. And good for them. Animals are conscious beings capable of feeling pleasure and pain, and we have an obligation to make their lives as good as possible.
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Eating chicken from dubious sources can be morally worse than killing Cecil the lion (which is debatable since Cecil was from an endangered species while the chickens outnumber humans), but not every chicken is raised in the aviarian equivalent of a concentration camp. This article is pure sensationalism.
Mmmm I do like a Sunday roast, and as I'm eating it I'm not posing with a rifle and a grin, I am just feeling grateful for a good feed.
I think there is definitely a place for the ethical treatment of the animals we grow and slaughter for food for a number of reasons not least the quality of the resultant meat and the respectful treatment of another living being.
I think comparing a domestic chicken deliberately raised for the purpose of food supply and the shooting for egotistical pleasure of a wild lion a poor basis for argument.