  • SuperCyan

    The inability to see how one might be at fault for conflicts they end up in.

    There seems to be a large group of people that simply cannot fathom how their actions may have resulted in someone being upset at them, or a general feeling of negativity towards them by their peers. They feel that it's the other person's fault for being "too sensitive" or "actually in the wrong," and that they have no contribution to how an acquaintanceship may have gone south. In their eyes, they can do no wrong and the cause of everyone's problems is themselves.

    They're commonly seen complaining on Facebook about how the world is filled with assholes, and that everyone just needs to lean how to deal with him or her. They're the person that claims that someone else needs to "learn to take a joke," or "stop being oversensitive," because they're upset over what he or she said. They're the ones that makes a whole room say, "Thank God," when they finally head home, because they're so tired of dealing with such a lack of empathy, that they cannot see how they may have ever done things wrong.

    A combination of a lack of empathy and a sense of self-righteousness is the defining characteristic of a narcissist - and a lot of people I have met in my life.