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Published 9 years ago by Splitfish with 10 Comments

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  • Sephsta

    I'm glad about this. I'm starting to get rather frustrated that developers are 'holding back' on PC to make it identical to console versions. That's not how it works - It should only be hardware limitating developers not publishers etc.

  • Mojambi

    Well that's good to hear.

  • AkipaLP

    Was hoping this was a given, glad to see it confirmed though.

  • Rizzmond

    Judging by the visuals, we are in for another Bethesda game crippled by the gamebryo engine. This engine has not aged well at all (they've used it since oblivion ffs)

    • hedman

      oh god that hit detection.

  • Tawsix

    The human eye can't see more than 10 fps and can't tell the difference in resolution after 720p.

    • Splitfish

      Funny how I always keep hearing that from people. I can easily spot the difference between 30 and 60. Even 60 to 120.

    • plastico

      You had me for a second there!

  • Cyanogynist

    Fallout 4 will run at 1080p 30fps on everything...

    ...that isn't a PC.

  • the7egend

    It's sad that this even had to be confirmed.

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