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10 years agoLevel Up snappy
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10 years agoAchievement snappy
Chatter Box
Posted a total of 25/25 comments! Congratulations snappy on this achievement!
+2670 XP -
10 years agoComment snappy
I feel vindicated. Thank you Austrian study!
11 years agoComment snappy
6. assumes that I have friends :(
Posted in: 10 Simple Habits to Help You Become Happier
11 years ago
More likely it's the second option. Watching porn is shameful enough in small towns and going to jail many times worse so the son would be forever "marked". It was mostly a reaction of panic, very sad outcome.
11 years agoLevel Up snappy
Level 5
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11 years agoAchievement snappy
Rock Star
Followed by 10/10 members! Congratulations snappy on this achievement!
+2130 XP -
11 years agoComment snappy
I want them to make a browser next, that would complement the search engine.
11 years agoComment snappy
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.
We were not amused.
Posted in: What was the last movie you saw?
11 years agoComment snappy
A British "The Onion", it's hilarious!!
Posted in: Wales Gone
11 years agoComment snappy
So 25% are Shelock Holmses :) But seriously, we don't know the makeup of the sample, if it was representative in terms of age, region and so on. Maybe in urban populations this proportion is much lower and in rural ones higher; so it doesn't mean much.
11 years agoComment snappy
It's very interesting but very confusing in terms of timing and people involved. The writer assumes that everyone is familiar with the details of the story. I'm not sure what's their status now, what they are doing.
Posted in: What Does Pussy Riot Mean Now?
11 years ago
At the same time, the article is greatly oversimplified. All cultures eat carbs, it's not only found in the Western diet . Also, vegetarians eat a ton of carbs and often not enough protein so why is their lifestyle considered healthier?
11 years agoComment snappy
Their assertions are not true, both men and women have fake choices. How many men would really be free to pursue a career in early childhood education without being treated like a potential abuser or some other "pink collar" career without being considered effeminate? And how many women are free to study maths or computer science without being considered as intruders and inferior? The statistic holds true because the choices are fake. And women are not necessarily happier with the low paying careers. What the article should have mentioned is that young single women in major urban centers are earning more than unmarried men of the same age group. This is interesting and promising, but otherwise, inequality remains.
Posted in: No, Women Don’t Make Less Money Than Men
11 years agoAchievement snappy
Red Eye Jedi
Viewed 150/150 snaps! Congratulations snappy on this achievement!
+2120 XP -
11 years agoComment snappy
It happens everywhere, except that in Russia they don't even try to hide it. In Soviet Russia, company owns you!
11 years agoComment snappy
Would it survive the severe weather and wind over there? And who's gonna use it?
11 years agoLevel Up snappy
Level 4
snappy is now level 4 with 6,015 XP.
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11 years agoAnalysis snappy
An interesting take on both The Metamorphosis and The Fly
I woke up one morning recently to discover that I was a seventy-year-old man. Is this different from what happens to Gregor Samsa in The Metamorphosis?
11 years agoComment snappy
Well, according to Wikipedia, he didn't have a cushy prison stay so it wasn't so much of a win.
11 years agoAchievement snappy
Chatter Box
Posted a total of 10/10 comments! Congratulations snappy on this achievement!
+790 XP -
11 years agoComment snappy
Upvote because Nutella! :) Also this looks amazing and so healthy with so much hazelnut in it. Unfortunately, I don't have a blender.
Posted in: How to make homemade Nutella
11 years agoAchievement snappy
Busy Bee
Maintained a 7 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations snappy on this achievement!
+790 XP