
    One can read a story and actually bother to offer criticism based on facts therein, or dismiss it as trash outright. based on it's origin.

    Your comment coming from one who swears by RollingStone, Mother Jones, Vox, and the like would be an example of nuttin more than,


    • AdelleChattre

      Your county health department inspects restaurants in your area, evaluates them around criteria like cleanliness and food safety, passing some and failing others. That make them hypocrites?

      • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 7 years ago)

        I hope they don't judge the place by the sign outside, rather actually enter and evaluate content/practices.


        • AdelleChattre

          Somehow I don’t think they’re eating off every dish that comes out of a tainted kitchen. Beyond that, you’ve got me “swearing by” bugaboos of yours you’ve selected at random. You make this stuff up. Guess which of those three sites I can hardly stand.

          • MAGISTERLUDI

            Since there is documented evidence you've submitted from all three.

            Guess?......... I can't

          • AdelleChattre
            @MAGISTERLUDI -

            This notion that you can only post things you agree with is absurd. I posted something yesterday that I loathe.

            Maybe this is your problem. If you can't imagine upvoting something you disagree with because it was interesting, informative, nuanced or just for what it did for the conversation, you're doing this wrong.

          • MAGISTERLUDI (edited 7 years ago)
            @AdelleChattre -

            "Beyond that, you’ve got me “swearing by” bugaboos of yours you’ve selected at random. You make this stuff up."

            You simply lied, ......fess up. ....No more need said.

            Have a good one.