• joethebob

    I don't understand this in the slightest. It's a another regressive food tax in a state with no food exception for state tax. The budgetary allocations for the funds are always drivel and will ultimately be pulled into the general fund like everything else. It taxes both sugar based drink and artificial sweeteners so there is no obesity control angle. I'm still trying to find what is supposed to qualify as a 'healthy' drink, besides say bottled water.

    • jerinoos

      I consider any kind of 100% fruit juice as a healthy drink.

      • joethebob

        Not to overgeneralize but even with the fairly rare consumptive models that actually offer 100% natural juice without adding additional sweeteners, most fruit juices have a comparable amount of sugar to your average soda by volume.

        • Bastou

          Sure, but it's naturally occurring sugar. It's not a whole lot better, just slightly. The real (health) ideal here, is to drink mostly water and eat your fruits fresh.