Post Overview
9 years ago+14 14 0Ex-Hasid's death bares anguish of leaving ultra-Orthodox sect
On July 12, Faigy Mayer, a 30-year-old New Yorker who left Hasidic Judaism five years ago, sent one of her last messages to a close friend. She tried to explain how foreign the world was to her — e...
Current Event
9 years ago+12 12 0The 'Gawker tax' is getting too high, Denton tells his staff
"There’s a thing called the Gawker tax which represents the cost of selling these brands that any moment can blow up, they can blow up because of internal dissension, they can blow up because of a story that goes wrong, and they call it the Gawk ...
9 years ago+10 10 0Why the U.S. has a long-term edge over China
China will not dominate the 21st Century because its people aren’t free, says Paul Brandus.
9 years ago+15 15 0Mcity: The future of connected and autonomous vehicle research
Self-driving cars, V2X systems, and more were on display at the center's opening.
9 years ago+23 23 0 x 15 Things That Should Be Taught in Every School
It’s cliche at this point to say that the most important things you learn in life aren't learned in school… But what if they were?
9 years ago+13 13 0A Trip Down LA’s Fine Line Between Fantasy and Reality
Car crashes, helicopters and a man on fire. What is real and what is fake?
Current Event
9 years ago+16 16 0“Shrinkage” problem lands Apple in legal hot water with retail workers
Court ruling sets stage for a glimpse into how Apple treats its retail workers.
Current Event
9 years ago+18 18 0Origin Accounts are being renamed EA accounts
Electronic Arts announced the coming change in branding earlier today.
Current Event
9 years ago+6 7 1Top Gawker Editors Resign After Controversial Story Pulled
Gawker Media executive editor Tommy Craggs and Gawker site editor-in-chief Max Read called the decision to pull the post an unacceptable violation of the divide between Gawker's business and editorial operations.
Current Event
9 years ago+20 20 0Chemists Invent New Letters for Nature’s Genetic Alphabet
Scientists hope that new genetic letters, created in the lab, will endow DNA with new powers.
9 years ago+20 21 1San Francisco techies are hiring this Wiccan witch to protect their computers from viruses and offices from evil spirits
Reverend Joey Talley is a Wiccan witch from the San Francisco Bay Area who solves supernatural issues for techies.
9 years ago+20 20 0Technology is run by the wrong people
I have a confession to make: I have a strong tendency to “jump”, emotionally and intellectually, to the biggest problem that I see at a given time. I’ve tempered it with age, because it’s often counterproductive. In organizational or corporate life, ...
9 years ago+16 16 0How a Young Girl Escaped the Prison That Is North Korea
Eun Kim made a thousand-mile journey to freedom. She survived human traffickers, famine, and poverty.
Current Event
9 years ago+22 22 0 x 1New Pluto Photos Show ‘Astoundingly Amazing’ Landscape
More images from this week's New Horizons mission are forcing scientists to rethink how icy worlds work.
9 years ago+18 18 0Surprising Mosaics Revealed in Ancient Synagogue in Israel
Archaeologists puzzle over depictions of dancers, elephants, and a mysterious figure that may be Alexander the Great.
9 years ago+45 46 1 x 4Inside the Secret World of Russia’s Cold War Mapmakers
The Soviet military mapped the entire world, but few have seen the actual, physical maps—until now.
9 years ago+15 16 1Reddit’s Future Is the Future of the Internet
Reddit's effort to fix itself is important because the site was founded on principles that mirror the founding principles of the web itself.
9 years ago+19 19 0New 22 Cans CEO says Peter Molyneux "fucked up"
22 Cans CEO Simon Phillips says the studio is committed to properly finishing Godus, but has no idea how long it will take.
Current Event
9 years ago+15 15 0International report confirms: 2014 was Earth’s warmest year on record
International report confirms: 2014 was Earth’s warmest year on record.
9 years ago+16 16 0Less Than Zero
Despite Decades of Accepted Science, California and Arizona Are Still Miscounting Their Water Supplies