Post Overview
7 years ago+25 25 0Study: to beat science denial, inoculate against misinformers' tricks | Dana Nuccitelli
Dana Nuccitelli: A new study finds that explaining the techniques of science denial makes people resistant to their effects
Current Event
8 years ago+49 49 0 x 1Berlin Breitscheidplatz: Lorry kills nine at Christmas market - BBC News
A suspected "deliberate attack" on a Christmas market in the heart of Berlin kills nine people.
8 years ago+15 16 1 x 1An attempt to chart media brands on the fake-real spectrum.
"A decent breakdown of all things real and fake news."
Text Post
8 years ago+12 12 0What are your smart people that you follow on Twitter, yet disagree with?
I read something that made me wonder: Who do you follow on Twitter (or facebook) to avoid falling in an echo chamber?
From nytimes:
I WILL resist dwelling in an echo chamber. I will follow smart people on Twitter or Facebook with whom I disagree. I will also try to enlarge my social circle to include people with different views, recognizing that diversity is a wonderful thing — and that if I know only Clinton supporters, then I don’t have a clue about America.
8 years ago+15 15 0Can this woman cure ageing with gene therapy?
Biotech boss Elizabeth Parrish has tried out her company’s anti-ageing gene therapy with, she says, amazing results. Too good to be true?
8 years ago+21 21 0History tells us what will happen next with Brexit & Trump
It seems we’re entering another of those stupid seasons humans impose on themselves at fairly regular intervals.
8 years ago+18 18 0Six times when medicine completely changed what it was doing due to new evidence.
Evidence based medicine is the idea of changing practice due to new data, here are a few milestone cases of such changes.
8 years ago+53 54 1 x 1Please stop saying the Nice attacks have nothing to do with Islam
Perhaps you should aid us beleaguered reformist Muslims who are attempting to address this crisis within Islam against all the odds.
8 years ago+15 15 0Who Is to Blame for Brexit’s Appeal? British Newspapers
"Led by Boris Johnson, British news media have been smearing the European Union for decades," Martin Fletcher writes in The New York Times Opinion Section.
9 years ago+18 18 0Why the calorie is broken?
Calories consumed minus calories burned: it’s the simple formula for weight loss or gain. But dieters often find that it doesn’t work. Cynthia Graber and Nicola Twilley of Gastropod investigate.
9 years ago+30 30 0The ironclad logic of conspiracy theories and how to break it
As the United Nations warns of the dire consequences of global warming, the commitment of the current Australian government to the reality of climate change remains unclear, with a history of disturbingly…
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9 years ago+13 13 0[Site Functionality] Keep me logged in for even longer?
One thing that really bothers me is that Snapzu logs me out all the time. I guess it's because I use multiple devices from multiple locations?.. But I do not seem to have this issue with other sites. So it would be great if there would be a profile setting or a log in option that would keep me logged in for longer, even if I log in from multiple devices etc..
9 years ago+1 2 1Why Support the TPP?
Agreement among negotiators from 12 Pacific Rim countries on the Trans-Pacific Partnership represents a triumph over long odds. And now critics of the TPP’s ratification, particularly in the US, should read the agreement with an open mind.
9 years ago+2 2 0Oppressive states such as Ecuador crush the web’s power | Nick Cohen
Knowledge alone is next to useless in countries whose rulers enforce self-censorship
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9 years ago+2 2 0Tip: Get around paywalls by using Google
If you ever hit a paywall when clicking on an article link on snapzu or somewhere else, you can just google the name of the article or the article url. Then click on the google search result and more often than not, the google link will get around the paywall and you will see the full article. This probably won't work on all the sites, but I routinely use it to read articles from WSJ and others. Enjoy!
Let me know if there are other tricks that work :)
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9 years ago+5 5 0Guided meditation apps?
I'm thinking of giving meditation a try and thought that it might be useful to have some guidance and maybe tracking to keep me motivated. Have any of you tried guided meditation apps? Any good/bad experiences?
9 years ago+18 18 0Why Mental Health Disorders Emerge in Your Early Twenties | VICE
Drugs, casual sex, leaving home and getting a job – being a young adult is fucking stressful.
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9 years ago+3 3 0TIFU by having a messy lab bench.
This happened approx a year ago. So as a graduate student I spend most of my time in the lab. Needless to say, there's plenty of stuff that can go wrong and end up being a TIFU story - from sharp scissors, to dangerous chemicals, to expensive equipment and so on.
So my lab bench usually is reasonably tidy. And it was the same on that rainy day a year ago. I had to do some stuff which involves using an alcohol burner. It's basically something like a candle that runs on burning alcohol. So I've lit the fire and am doing my stuff, till I need to reach for something on a shelf. Being clumsy at the worst possible moment, I knock a small box over from the shelf..
It falls and, obviously, lands on my burner and knocks it over. Now, you can probably appreciate that once spilled that alcohol burns REALLY well (think petrol or bbq lighter fluid). So within an eyeblink my whole desk is on fire and I am just staring at it like a deer in the headlights.
Obviously, I want to put it out. If not for anything else, than my nicely handwritten protocol that is starting to catch fire too. I reach for the closest spray bottle and, thank god, my common sense kicks in and I realize that there's more alcohol in it. Spraying it on fire - not a good idea.
So I just randomly stomp on the flames with my hands (thankfully I have lab gloves on). Gracious, I know. I guess most of the alcohol just burns out and the fire stops. Few people have gathered and are asking, if I am okay. I am fine, apart from the embarrassment of being THAT GUY who set the lab on fire. The whole lab smells of smoke and I am praying to god that the fire alarm doesn't go off because then the whole building has to be evacuated (five floors, lots of unhappy people).
The fire alarm didn't go off. Which, in retrospect, slightly concerns me. But I guess this won't happen again as I've decided that I can do whatever I was doing without using the alcohol burner and risking setting myself or others on fire.
TL;DR: Worked with an alcohol burner. Had a messy lab bench, knocked something over that hit the burner and set my desk on fire. Not recommending, would not do that again.
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9 years ago+4 4 0/t/relationshipadvice - ask for relationship advice here
Is there something bothering you and noone to ask for advice? Well, now you can do it here and we'll do our best to help you. Of course, right now there's no "we" just "me" but I hope that it will change soon :)
9 years ago+12 12 0 x 2Depressed? Try Therapy Without the Therapist.
If you suffer from depression or anxiety as Elle and Moody do, spending time with them could help. They are characters in a free online program of cognitive behavioral therapy called MoodGYM, which leads users through quizzes and exercises — therapy ...