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Published 7 years ago by Muffintop with 3 Comments

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  • leweb

    When anti-vaxxer Andrew Wakefield was confronted with the consequences of misinforming the Somali immigrants in Minnesota, he told a Washington Post reporter “I don’t feel responsible at all.” One wonders whether we’ll be hearing those words from climate deniers in the coming years.

    Why should they feel responsible? If people are idiots who are willing to believe any bullshit they get fed, it's only natural for others to manipulate them.

    The anti-vaxxer movement, climate change denialism, and the like, will be resolved in due time by Darwinian mechanisms, whether people get smarter about them or not. That's the beauty of reality, it doesn't give a crap whether people believe it or not.

    • Gozzin

      That's the beauty of reality, it doesn't give a crap whether people believe it or not.

      So true, and it's only a matter of time till natural selection takes care of these ninnies in a spectacular fashion.

      • Muffintop

        If natural selection took care of anti-vaxxers etc, wouldn't it have happened by now? In addition, I could argue that the society is also responsible for the education of it's members. Both with anti-vaxxers, and climate deniers - their actions will end up hurting people who are both smart and have done nothing wrong.

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