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  • 8 years ago
    Comment MidasToren

    I get what this article is trying to criticize, but Oliver isn't a reactionary, he's just a capitalist left-leaning liberal, like all centrists, he has never implied he was anything but. The same goes for Stewart and Colbert, they're both liberals. Reactionary is reserved for the rightwing, that's what it is by definition, a person who is left leaning and capitalist is a liberal. The rest of the article though is right about a lot of things with Stewart and Oliver, they don't really get to the heart of the problem, they get about 90% there but then fail to actually point out the root causes. They blame certain symptoms, certain smaller issues that contribute, but the greater causes remain untouched.

  • 9 years ago
    Level Up MidasToren

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment MidasToren

    Android has gotten the shaft for a while from devs, probably because of the fractured nature of the ecosystem. Even then, it sucks they didn't release it side by side, or at least a couple weeks apart. I'm glad they aren't putting it off longer(years even) though like some games that have been ported from iOS.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MidasToren

    haha oh wow, that's a first, I posted that in a half-assed way too, I was going to add examples and whatnot but didn't want to put in that much effort for a simple opinion. Nice to know some people see the same patterns with communities as I do though, hopefully this one doesn't share the same fate.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MidasToren

    You're right, but the power is there, and whether through ignorance or malice, it will be used for that purpose. This is why I much prefer a system like Slashdot.org's where they have moderation points and modded posters that dictate from -1 to +5 the quality of comments. Trolls, hate comments, and shitposts that drop below a certain threshold are hidden, and posts above 0 are visible, and can be seen as to their quality. That kind of system is far less likely to be abused easily, Snapzu's system looks similar enough to Reddit/Digg's system that I fear it will be abused in the same way, I want to be wrong.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment MidasToren

    I'm new too but this isn't my first rodeo, I've seen this from the Usenet days, back then it was called The Eternal September. Sorry to say, but this scenario isn't new, it's an old demon that has plagued humanity for a long time, but with the advent of the internet it's only become more evident and more quickly to develop. Everytime I've been with a community, whether it be a Usenet group, or forum, or Digg, or Reddit, once it becomes popular, it attracts new people that don't absorb the culture or share the same attitudes as the founding members. After a time, it gets worse and worse until, well, this happens.

    Hopefully it won't befall this community or Voat or whatever new site takes the mantle of Reddit, but it almost always does in the end, people, sorry to say, just aren't very nice in large groups, you add money/politics/special interest into the equation as well, and it just makes it doubly terrible.

    All I can say as a veteran of these downfalls, enjoy the ride, try your best to contribute good stuff, and if you must, find greener pastures and start again.

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