• idlethreat

    Woops. Wasn't aware that /r/blackberry didn't allow posts. Apologies. Yeah, perhaps /u/canuck might have some input.

    With the constant headlines about IOS and Android security problems, I hope that an intelligent, sober, security-conscious Blackberry jumps into the gap and unrolls a kick-ass replacement to the Z30 which gives superb battery life, flexibility to run Android applications, as well as enterprise-class security features that people deserve.

    Sure, there's devices like Blackphone, but the moment you take away Android's extreme flexibility to make it more secure, you automatically toss out all the things that make it fun to use (e.g. custom rom's). Stock Android, properly locked down, is a pretty shitty OS. BBOS10 is a tightly locked down wonder.

    Here's hoping they are around for a long time to come. In whatever form they take.