• LacquerCritic

    Just reading your comment gave me cold sweats. I had a large kidney stone that they didn't get the first time around with surgery (and not the shockwave kind) then had to wait four months for them to actually get it due to a scheduling area. Those four months were some of the worst of my life between the stone, the pain meds, and the ureteral stent (especially the stent). I'm really hoping it was just a one-time thing.

    • NotWearingPants

      I hope they gave you the really good drugs. Longest I had to go was 10 days, can't imagine 4 months of that.

      • LacquerCritic

        It was brutal. My daily pain regimen involved 4 Advil, 2 Tylenol, and 1 Aleve every 4-6 hours as needed (and it was needed) plus 5-10mg morphine or Dilaudid (can't remember the dosage for the dilaudid) basically no more than every 6 hours, though I tried to really minimize using those ones. In Canada we can get T1s (Tylenol with a small amount of codeine) over the counter, so I tried to use those instead of the morphine/Dilaudid as much as possible.

        tl;dr - yes, I think I ingested some good drugs ;)

        • NotWearingPants

          I've only ever gotten Dilaudid in the ER (Good stuff). Usually demerol or percocet for the take home prizes.