Post Overview
9 years ago+11 11 0"TweetLikeAWhiteGay" Shows a Divided LGBT Community
The hashtag, #TweetLikeAWhiteGay, addresses how members of this demographic tackle issues like race, gender, and class. And the portrait is not flattering. The wide-ranging posts critique appropriation of African-American culture, transphobia, fanati ...
9 years ago+23 23 0What It's Like to Eat Nothing but This Magical, Healthy Ice Cream for 10 Days
By eating five pints of Halo Top a day, one would get a whopping 120 grams of protein, only 80 grams of carbohydrates, and a respectable 60 grams of fat—at only 1,200 calories. That’s pretty much a supermodel diet, but with enough protein to support ...
9 years ago+14 14 0'Trophy Kids' Presents Its Sports-Obsessed Parental Protagonists As Horror Movie Villains
You can yell at the screen like you might do during a horror movie, except that instead of saying, “Don’t go in the room!” you scream, “Don’t bother putting creatine in his milk!” The scariest part of Trophy Kids is you can’t watch it too smugly, bec ...
Current Event
9 years ago+24 24 065 year old B.C. woman gets three years’ probation for sabotaging mountain bike trails and setting up booby traps
In one surveillance tape, a log with a sharp branch sticking out like a spear is placed on the bottom of a steep descent. Tineke Kraal was arrested in January, 2015, after two mountain bikers who suspected the trails were being sabotaged set up hidde ...
9 years ago+6 6 0San Jose, Calif. Residents Mistake Neighbor's 27-pound 4-Foot-Long Cat for Wild Animal
A gigantic cat was mistaken for a wild animal by the owner’s neighbors in San Jose, California. The Maine Coon cat eats a pound of meat a day, but is described by his owner as "very gentle."
9 years ago+16 16 0Sounds From Speech Say A Lot More About Emotion Than Words, says new study from McGill University
It takes just one-tenth of a second for our brains to begin to recognize emotions conveyed by vocalizations, according to researchers from McGill. More importantly, the researchers have also discovered that we pay more attention when an emotion (such ...
Current Event
9 years ago+14 14 0Worst passwords of 2015 unveiled by SplashData
If your password is on this list, you better change it ASAP. The 25 worst passwords of 2015 have been released by Los Gatos, Calif.-based SplashData. The company, which makes password management software, compiles the annual list from the most common ...
9 years ago+8 8 0A Surprising Number of Straight Men Are Having Sex With Other Men, Says The CDC
Just 1.9% of men in the report identified as gay, while 2% said they were bisexual. And yet: 6.2% of men reported having had same-sex sexual encounters. So openly gay dudes actually made up the smallest group of men who've had gay sex among the ...
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Current Event
9 years ago+25 25 0World's oldest man dies at age 112
The world's oldest man, from Japan, has died at the age of 112, two months short of his 113th birthday. Yasutaro Koide was born on March 13, 1903, and said his secret to a long life was not to overdo it, or drink or smoke.
9 years ago+19 19 0125 years of fingernail trends: A visual history of fingernail fashion
People throughout history have paid special attention to their fingernail real estate. It's been said that nail trends date back to 5000 B.C. when women in India decorated their fingertips with henna. Later, in 4000 B.C. Babylonian men were know ...
Current Event
9 years ago+29 29 0WhatsApp to Drop Subscription Fees for its Popular Messaging Service
WhatsApp founder Jan Koum announced Monday that the company is dropping the service’s annual subscription fee in an effort to remove the barriers some users faced in using the service. As far as a new business model, WhatsApp says it will explore way ...
Current Event
9 years ago+27 27 0Prosecution of Vancouver’s Stanley Cup riot cost almost $5 million
It cost almost $5 million to process hundreds of people through the justice system after the Stanley Cup riot in Vancouver five years ago. The government’s criminal justice branch set up a riot prosecution team that resulted in 284 guilty pleas and n ...
9 years ago+38 38 0Pornhub says 'lesbian' overtook 'teen' as the most searched for term on its site in 2015
'Teen' figures in the top five most searched for terms in Canada, the U.K., U.S. and many other countries. But the search term could land users in legal trouble. The use of the term “teen” is sufficiently broad that it could include images ...
Current Event
9 years ago+19 19 0Americans kidnapped from interpreter's home in Iraq: official
A group of Americans who went missing over the weekend in Iraq were kidnapped from their interpreter's home in Baghdad, according to an Iraqi government intelligence official. There were no immediate claims of responsibility.
Current Event
9 years ago+32 32 0A flower has bloomed in the zero gravity of space for the first time ever
US astronaut Scott Kelly announced the historic news that a zinnia plant had flowered on the International Space Station (ISS) on his Twitter account, along with a photograph of an orange, 13-petalled flower. Other plants, such as lettuce and wheat, ...
Current Event
9 years ago+19 19 0Woodbridge, Virginia: Day Care Worker Convicted of Running 'Baby Fight Club'
A day care teacher who turned her classroom into what a prosecutor called a "baby fight club" was convicted Wednesday on more than a dozen criminal charges. Witnesses testified that Jordan intentionally tripped children, stepped on their to ...
9 years ago+3 3 0Mortiis - Parasite God
I'm sure there's a proper genre term for this music, but for me it's a fantastical, synthy song that conjures images of the Black Cauldron and the sketchy dark fantasy novels I'd sneak from the shelf to read. The strange video is ...
Current Event
9 years ago+24 24 06 hospitalized in France after 'serious accident' in clinical trial
Six medical volunteers have been hospitalized — one in a state of brain death — after taking part in a botched drug test at a clinic in western France, the Health Ministry says. The drug trial, which was testing a new painkiller compound, involved 90 ...
Current Event
9 years ago+20 20 0'Fresh-breath bandit' makes off with more than $1,500 worth of chewing gum from Markham pharmacy
The man was captured by video surveillance entering a pharmacy on Dec. 17 with a garbage bag, filling it up with gum and casually walking out the front door. York Regional Police Const. Andy Pattenden said not one employee or customer saw the man lea ...
Current Event
9 years ago+25 25 0Planned Parenthood Will Sue Group Behind Fetal Tissue Videos
Officials announced they would sue the Center for Medical Progress and the company behind it, Biomax, for “providing fraudulent information in violation of federal law” to gain access to Planned Parenthood conferences and doctors as part of what they ...
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