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Published 10 years ago by KondoR with 8 Comments

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  • Splitfish

    Talk about lucky and unlucky at the same time.

  • bradd

    Unfortunate but there's a cutoff for a reason

  • Chubros

    Rules are rules, end of story.

  • 8mm

    Next time buy it in advance, not last second... this isnt horse racing.

    • weekendhobo

      I went to a horse racing event once and it was intense.. good times.

      • drunkenninja

        Horse racing is awesome, but also extremely addictive. I stay the hell away from these types of games.

    • drunkenninja

      Would suck if the machine screwed up and extended the connection when running the ticket purchase, etc. If the lottery corp doesn't want tickets being sold after the deadline, why not force the ticket machine to validate the transaction instead of spitting out a proper ticket for THAT draw. I don't get it, its not like the guy waited until the very last second to do it.

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