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Published 9 years ago by Splitfish with 5 Comments

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  • Maternitus

    I tried it with both quick pick and own choice. The latter started later with winning (I used $5000 every time), quick pick went straight ahead. Everytime. But at the end, 10% of the total amount of bets comes back as prize. Bad investment. ;-)

  • Lievren

    Dreams Dashed. S'pose I'll hold off on having the carvers flown in for the winding staircase in the two-story library/music room I was planning and just be glad for my cute rent little controlled be it ever so humble spot in the world.

    Spent$54,842 Won$4,742 Win/loss$-50,100 Balance$0 You've played 27,421 times and lost a total of $50,100. So why not throw some more money at that problem? $100 $1,000 Other amount How much?

  • darvinhg

    Simulated $10,000 of tickets. Made back $800. Ouch.

  • drunkenninja

    I ran $100,000 dollars using quick pick which generally seems to be the more recommended option. I got about 8% of my investment back. Luckily I've never really had a problem with lottery gambling so this just confirmed my suspicion...

    Lesson here? The lottery is a tax on the mathematically challenged :)

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