• drunkenninja (edited 10 years ago)

    Using other social media, snapzu seems notably lacking in the social department. Maybe I am out of the loop and haven't found the place where people discuss? Or is Snapzu simply more akin to pintrest or stumbleupon than reddit or facebook, more a place to post links than to talk? Of course people make the odd comment, but I haven't seen much in the way of conversation here.

    On the contrary, you seem like you're already a natural here! You're not wrong in assuming there isn't much "discussion" going on, the site is still quite small when compared to reddit or pinterest so it might need a few more members before larger more involved discussions can take place. I do think that a lot will happen in the next release when tribes and text posts (snapzu's discussion platform) get a much deserved upgrade from both the feature side and the making it more visible side. Would be good for example to appoint mods to my tribes!

    • Gozzin

      Well I just hope it never gets as big as reddit.

      • drunkenninja

        I doubt there is anything to worry about, TBH. The culture promoted here is much different than what it was on reddit when it was just starting out so I think as this place grows the many pitfalls we see in today's reddit will not be a reality here. Feel free to correct me if you think I'm wrong :)

        • Jack

          People here seem more polite, and much older and experienced than the average redditor. People on reddit overwhelmingly seem to be awkwardly introverted students with a severe case of ethnocentrism.

    • ttubravesrock

      where can we find more information on this upcoming upgrade?