9 years ago
This is a terrible sign for McDonald’s
On Tuesday, McDonald's announced it is planning to close 184 restaurants across the United States this year, 59 more than it is planning to open.
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It's a good start.
I used to love Mickey Dee's back in the day when I ate like a garbage can. But in those days, there were only so many choices on the road. When you were in a strange town and had to eat fast, it was just convenient. Now there are so many other healthier options. I'm surprised they tried to be healthy. Was never the reason I ate there. Strictly a level of taste and speed. But hey, they had a good run.
Good riddance. It doesn't help that every restaurant I've entered makes it pretty clear that I could feel right at home shooting up heroin in the back corner, either.
I've not been in one in ages,but nothing would surprise me about that place.
I want to be happy and think fast food will get eyyer, but it's like Batman and Joker. Bats doesn't kill him because he knows that the second he does, Gotham will send somebody worse to fill his spot. I shudder to think who'll be the next obesity czar.
It seems to me that people are moving to other fast food chains because they think they are "healthier" when in reality most of them are as bad or even worse than McDonalds.
Hm. I think I'd rather have a restaurant that everyone knows is unhealthy than one that isn't really upfront with how bad it can be for you... not that McDonald's has been open about it.
For a bit of time they had a commercial going here trying to say that their fries are good for you. That got pulled pretty quick haha
A decline like this should have been expected. With how many restaurants there are around the world, it's kind of silly to think it can keep up the expansion forever. Market saturation alone will stop it at some point.
Calorie wise, many fastfood places are way worse. So I never had a problem with that. But the meat patties are just tiny slivers so it's miserable eating there.
Wait a minute. It just dawned on me. Maybe that's why they aren't so bad calorie wise.