8 years ago
Sweden Becomes First Western Nation to Reject Low-fat Diet Dogma in Favor of Low-carb High-fat Nutrition
Sweden has become the first Western nation to develop national dietary guidelines that reject the popular low-fat diet dogma in favor of low-carb high-fat nutrition advice. The switch in dietary advice followed the publication of a two-year study by the independent Swedish Council on Health Technology Assessment. The committee reviewed 16,000 studies published through May 31, 2013. The expert committee consisted of ten physicians, and several of them were skeptics to low-carbohydrate diets at...
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Why am I not surprised? Still,this is great news for them..In 'America,of course,it's all about $$$,so diabetics and everyone else are encouraged to eat the SAD diet,which caused the problems in the first place. And they don't care how many people die as a result of their guidelines any more than big tobacco cares how many people die from using their poison. Things have changed though...You should see the butter section at my fav. grocery..It's always more than half empty! :bunnygig: