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Published 8 years ago by Gozzin with 1 Comments
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  • Gozzin

    Why am I not surprised? Still,this is great news for them..In 'America,of course,it's all about $$$,so diabetics and everyone else are encouraged to eat the SAD diet,which caused the problems in the first place. And they don't care how many people die as a result of their guidelines any more than big tobacco cares how many people die from using their poison. Things have changed though...You should see the butter section at my fav. grocery..It's always more than half empty! :bunnygig:

    As I have recently pointed out in an article published YOU the Taxpayer are Funding the Agri Business Takeover of our Food Supply, the USDA nutritional guidelines favor the heavily subsidized crops of wheat, soy, and corn. The political forces are just too strong in the U.S. right now to allow any dietary advice that would cut into corporate profits and their production of cheap food to dominate world food supplies.

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