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Published 9 years ago by Gozzin with 5 Comments

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  • FivesandSevens

    I'm so happy to hear this. I had no idea sour was becoming cool now/again. Try putting put cranberries in a homemade cherry pie (about a 5:2 ratio of cherries to cranberries) sometime. People go nuts for it. I also use a lot of vinegar in my homemade BBQ sauce (a really basic riff on a Carolina style "mop sauce"), which people where I live tend to think is a bad idea until they try it on pork. Sour ingredients make me want to try a recipe every time.

    • PensiveApe

      I agree. My family loves vinegar and puts so much on our collard greens. I can't stand desserts that are too sweet. I'm the kind of guy that would rather have a second helping of dinner than some dessert.

      • FivesandSevens

        Is there any other way to eat collards than with tons of vinegar? Hehe.

  • Gozzin

    And I'm trying to get the tart Hick's Everbearing Mulberry back on the southern landscape.

    I have some mulberry trees and would love this one. I also prefer tart blueberries. YUM!

  • Appaloosa

    I used to eat lemons as a kid....I love tart!

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