9 years ago
Windows 10 Impressions: Releasing Any Day Now Edition
It's been seven months since I spent any meaningful time with Windows 10 - no, no-one's found any reason beyond 'marketing, durr' for the absence of Windows 9.
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Sounds pretty good. I plan on swapping in september when I have time after my exams. I'll try to get some more use out of my 5yearish old desktop by putting in some more RAM and an SSD for the OS so hopefully that'll work well together with Win 10.
I've put unfinished Windows 10 on some really old computers so you shouldn't have too much of a problem. :)
This is an excellent article, thanks for sharing. I love getting people excited for Windows 10! /t/windows isn't really a tribe though, this would be right at home at /t/Windows10! You should include it in your snap-to list! :) See you there!
Not sure why I didn't try searching for a Windows 10 tribe, thanks for the tip!
Any time, trying to grow the community there so make sure to join up, I'd love to have new people participating with snaps! :D
Aw yis. Great article. You could definitely say I'm a little bit excited for this.
The only thing left is to switch to a WP handset when the new flagships come out this fall!
I actually tried windows phone briefly back in 2012. Didn't quite grab me then but I'm guessing a lot has changed since I gave it a go.
That'd be a good guess ^_^ WP10 barely resembles WP7 at this point.
How is the app store going? I think that was a huge sticking point for me when I had it - it was just very very sparse.
Personal opinion, but much much better. Still missing a couple of big names, no banking apps (I just pin mobile sites to the Start menu), no snapchat (if you're into that sort of thing) but most of everything else is on there and it's running better than ever.
Nice setup dude :)
as for windows 10 i just realized the other day that we were 20 something days away from windows 10 release, i have seen the leaks on youtube, i have seen the latest version, and to be honest they managed to smooth the differences between the desktop and tablet modes.
It does seem that everything seems so much more uniform, it just makes sense now, but i am the guy that didn't complain with windows 8 or 8.1, i didn't love it, but didn't see major problems with it, but 10 is lining up to be something else :)
Last time I tested Win10, I managed to break the start menu. Aparently, on Win10 the menu is a separate process, instead of being part of explorer.exe, some actions (I still don't know what) can break it.
Since I need to test the new VirtualBox, I'll do a double whammy an run Win10 on it. If this start menu bug persists, I'll stick with Win8 and Classic Shell.
They have since resolved all of the bugs with the Start Menu. Build 10166 is highly recommended, it's basically the release build.
Thanks. I'll give it a try then.
And by "try" I really mean "Do my best to break the damn thing". MUAHAHAHAHA!!!
That's the point! ;) Have fun. If you need support you can come here I'll do my best to help you. I've been using it since build 9926 so I've been around the block with the OS at this point. I'll be happy to help you.
I'll make a confession here, All I need from it is that it runs without issues and doesn't get on my way while I play Elite: Dangerous. All the "serious" stuff I'll keep doing in Debian Linux.
But since Win10 is something newish, my geeky curiosity and perverse desire to find ammusing bugs pretty much compels me.
Yeah, I'm weird like that!
Looking forward to hear how Elite: Dangerous runs on W10. If you give it a test run please report back and let us know! ^_^
You bet I will, I'm the chief of /t/elitedangerous ;-)
Oh hell yeah, I'll pop over and check it out.