• PushPull

    Thinking ahead, I can see hackers and terrorists exploiting this.

    Hackers could use it to gain either money or information by holding your car hostage. Imagine going on a long road trip, you're a thousand miles from home, and you get a notice through your console that unless you pay $xxxx, or give up a credit card number, you're not going anywhere.

    Terrorists could be able to seize on this as well. Imagine rush hour, traffic is moving along nicely, everyone is going 55 or so, and in unison, they lock up the brakes on a few dozen cars in a small stretch. They could cause a huge pile up that closes shit down for days.

    • idlethreat

      Aah, hell. I'd expect Anonymous to do it just for the shits and giggles. No need for terrorists when you have a bunch of bored people in their mom's basements.