• idlethreat

    You're right. Probably not the best thing to call it. I'll consider myself rebuked.

    That being said, Rust is a horrible, horrible game and this beats it by a mile.

    • FrootLoops

      Rust is one of two games i bought on steam but never really got into it. I played it month ago, right when it was release for Linux. I should try it out again. What is so bad about it, i really don't know.

      • Civil

        It has the same problems as all the other Early-Access survival games. You hear about all the crazy things that go on from people who play the game, but don't realize that those crazy stories only account for about 5% of the playtime. The other 95% is spent grinding/farming/walking. I say this as someone who has invested a lot of time in that sort of game.

        It also doesn't help that those games are incredibly unrefined which results in bugs/glitches, exploits, and lack of meaning fully content. I mostly blame the Early Access business model for that, though.

        • Yourexwife

          I am actually going to have to disagree with you. I do see where you come from but it sort if depends on the play style you chose to employ, I suppose server size matters as well. I suppose I ought to add that I am think about the "old" rust as I have not played the newer versions. :)