• drunkenninja

    I wake up without feeling hungry, and it takes me about 2 hours or so to build up an appetite. I will have my morning coffee first, do my business and then when I feel like it I will eat. I find the idea of forcing myself to eat while I'm still in the process of waking up hard to swallow, and thus I avoid breakfast and skip directly to brunch, if there is such a thing. Everyone is different however, and I don't think one specific way is the best way.

    • ttubravesrock

      I think it also depends on your level of activity in the morning. I work from 7 AM - 7 PM in the summer. I usually get up before 6 and walk or ride my bike to work. Other times I snooze a few extra times and drive to work. On the days I drive, I'm not hungry until 10-11 AM. On the days I walk/ride my bike, I'm hungry by about 7:45-8 AM. I don't have any scientific study to back it up, but I would guess that your level of activity in the morning has more to do with your metabolism than the timing of your caloric intake.

      • drunkenninja

        I can see how physical activity is connected to hunger. I mean, we do indeed burn calories when we do physical things, so naturally the body will ask for nourishment faster if it's depleting it faster. Makes sense.