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9 years ago+1 1 0/u/Fishes GCX Rep Profile
Snapzu Member since July 9, 2015
If you have been linked to this page, please make sure that you're on the real /t/GCXRep, and the user who linked you was indeed me, and not someone with a similar username trying to impersonate me. Note that just because you're reading this doesn't mean a scammer didn't include this note in their fake profile to trick you into a false sense of security. Double check, and don't get tricked or scammed!
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9 years ago+1 1 0REMEMBER THE GCX GOLDEN RULE: A trader must comment on your GCX trading post before sending you a PM. Many scammers can't comment.
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9 years ago+1 1 0[H] Gift Cards [W] Google Wallet / PayPal
I have a few gift cards that I am looking to sell to either Paypal or Google Wallet.
Sephora x2$10 - 75%
Chillis x2$10 - 75%
CVS x1$5 - 80%
Gap x1$10 - 80%
Comment and then PM.
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9 years ago+14 14 0From Reddit to Snapzu... Questions about differences.
Hey, there are a lot of features that could be noted as good features that are on reddit, that I don't think I am seeing on Snapzu. I could be missing some of these things and I am asking if anybody knows where they are, but this post also might be good in /t/ideasforsnapzu because they might not exist (yet).
1: Flairs
A very important factor to subs on reddit is the flairs. In some subs it gives you more of a meaning and purpose on the subs, in others it could be more important to distinguish the users who are more or less experienced/important. Is this feature on Snapzu?
2: Modmail
Another important feature having to do with moderation. Modmail is a great feature (even thought it is so poorly executed on reddit) that allows the members of a tribe (or sub) to message all of the moderators of the tribe. It's important for busy tribes so that all of the mods can read a message and reply. It saves the users sending messages asking questions a lot of time so they don't have to send a PM to each of the mods individually. It also releives stress from the mods who may be wondering if someone already answered their question in another PM they sent to the other mods. Is this on Snapzu?
Thank you all for reading! Though I can't find these features (of a few), I can tell there are a lot of other special features on this site that reddit doesn't have.
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9 years ago+7 7 0I'm new. How long until this site is as big as reddit?
Hey! I guess i'm just going to add myself to the pool of new users. I have been looking around for some of my favorite subs from reddit in tribe form. I have found almost all of them L).
This is my first time really making any meaningful post on this site, and it seems like there are several posts from newbies like myself every hour. At this rate of new users there's no doubt that this site will get very big very quickly, and i'm excited for some of my smaller tribes to start growing more active!
Any tips for a new user?