
I'm new. How long until this site is as big as reddit?

Hey! I guess i'm just going to add myself to the pool of new users. I have been looking around for some of my favorite subs from reddit in tribe form. I have found almost all of them L).

This is my first time really making any meaningful post on this site, and it seems like there are several posts from newbies like myself every hour. At this rate of new users there's no doubt that this site will get very big very quickly, and i'm excited for some of my smaller tribes to start growing more active!

Any tips for a new user?

8 years ago by Fishes with 12 comments

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  • Captain

    I'm sure the owners are hoping it's the next big thing. But I'm cool if it stays smaller for a bit. Looking for the journey and not so much the destination.

    • Fishes

      Very true, I do like that the community is smaller to an extent :).

      • Pockets69

        well we have seen what can happen with big communities :S

  • double2 (edited 8 years ago)

    Personally, I don't think it'll become as big as reddit ever. I think the way things are now, the central hub of reddit has been eternally broken between reddit, voat and then "other". But I think the "other" could be very large and will probably be like the good parts of reddit. Given the unique and exciting design of snapzu, I reckon we'll take that position.

    Tips for new users - if you want to do something and can't figure out how, give it a search, then try posting in here and then if it turns out it's a not yet implemented idea, head to /t/ideasforsnapzu

    Also, in case you haven't read, downvotes are used far more sparingly here. This is probably the most key defining difference between snapzu and reddit. Downvotes are only used to filter out content which is substantially "bad content" i.e. miscategorised, very low quality etc, not stuff you don't like or disagree with or annoyed by. Although I'm not sure how this is to be policed, when someone gets a downvote, everyone notices and it's a relatively big event.

  • ClarkKent (edited 8 years ago)

    I am with /u/captain, I wouldn't mind if it grew a slow rate. There is a enough new content to keep me happy as well but I am also happy with the influx of new users too. I say give it a year before it actively grows significant enough where we see a really big dent.

    Anyway Welcome /u/Fishes

  • uprisinq

    I'm very sure the owners want this site to become bigger than it already is. But this site is an invitation-only site so I bet they are aiming for a slower rate so it doesn't crash like Reddit (not exactly crash, I hope you understand my point haha.)

    • Fishes

      lol, Reddit goes offline way too often.

      Right now if anyone is interested in joining, reddit is a great place to get an invite code. There's posts all over with people asking for invite codes and people posting them. The place I got an invite code was part of a post with hundreds of invite codes, so I think it is working for people who don't do the simple google search 'Snapzu invite code'.

      • ecstasybread (edited 8 years ago)

        Yeah, given how easy it is to get an invite code I'm not sure how effective that system is at slowing down the rate of new users right now. I suppose some effort is still required, so perhaps it does still stop people from signing up without giving it any thought. I wonder what would have happened if the invite system wasn't there.

        • baron778

          The site would have probably been offline the entire time. There was something like 15,000 invite requests in one day when reddit had their AMAgeddon.

          • double2

            Why is this the first time I have seen the work AMAgeddon?

  • utesred

    I think the invite system will definitely cause it to take much longer to build than rival websites. With a higher barrier to entry, many users will decide that it's not worth it. I think it'll definitely take longer to grow for that reason alone.

  • gshcock

    I think the influx of users from Reddit that made invites come out slowly will gate the amount of users joining. However, when the anti-Reddit hype dies down I think we'll see more people coming in.