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  • 10 years ago
    Comment Exantrius

    In order to determine if any individuals were harmed by tainted drugs, they would have to track every customer through every pharmacy that they sold through. People taking drugs tend to not be healthy, some have probably died, and they would then have to determine whether they died due to the medicine being tainted or impotent.

    I'm willing to bet they didn't hunt down those people. The pharmacies in question are victims of the original crime, yes, but it would open them up to massive liability in the case that anyone did die.

  • 10 years ago
    Related Link Exantrius

    Google picks up incredible visual translation app Word Lens and makes it free

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  • 10 years ago
    Comment Exantrius

    I forgot my phone at home, but it had a link to play store https://play.google....visual.wordlens.demo

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Exantrius

    old news is old...

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Exantrius

    yeah, author is an ass. "It's the car's fault that I didn't get the estimated range based on previous usage of a rented car." "when I started running out of power, instead of pulling over so I could switch it to neutral when a tow truck showed up, I ran it completely out of juice". "Hertz and Tesla and AAA left me high and dry until Hertz and Tesla could find someone to come jump and move me".

    Not saying that it doesn't suck that he ran out of power, but if he didn't know how far the car would go, he probably should have pulled off a couple exits early and borrowed an outlet from someone. Also, not driving at night may have helped (power draw of headlights), though then he would be stuck driving during the day (AC) -- Which he doesn't even mention as a power suck, who knows if he disabled that or kept it going full blast.

    It read to me as someone with an axe to grind and decided that the Tesla was going to fail, and made that come true.

    show moreshow less
  • 10 years ago
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  • 10 years ago
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    Chatter Box

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  • 10 years ago
    Comment Exantrius

    yup. $8 is a hell of a deal compared to cable. I've been a member for about a year, and every time I run out of things I want to watch, they add a bunch of new stuff. I'll happily pay $10 if it means more shows that I'm interested in.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Exantrius

    since the spent grain is literally boiled for minimum of 60 minutes, it's completely sterile-- or it would destroy the beer it's making. What is the point of this rule?

  • 10 years ago
    Achievement Exantrius

    Rapid Response

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  • 10 years ago
    Comment Exantrius

    Every smart phone can do 99% of what any other smartphone can do. It's all down to look, feel and ease of use, just like early 2000s mac versus pc (that is, after mac got multitasking capability)

  • 10 years ago
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  • 10 years ago
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    Hat Trick

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  • 10 years ago
    Comment Exantrius

    That isn't a movie that needs to be made... It was a fun movie, but yeesh. Let it die.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Exantrius

    I would totally do it, but they had to do it when I'm traveling a ton and have to spare money. Bummer.

  • 10 years ago
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    Good Image

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  • 10 years ago
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  • 10 years ago
    Achievement Exantrius

    Rock Star

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  • 10 years ago
    Comment Exantrius

    Well he's taking all his writers, so we might be in luck, but the late show has always been one guy telling topical jokes. I don't see them changing it to a political show.

    Mainly I'm worried because the only time I actually get to watch it is online, and I don't intend to start staying up late for his show. Here's hoping they stream it!

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Exantrius

    I hope they don't change his persona. That would kill it.

  • 10 years ago
    Current Event Exantrius

    Stephen Colbert to replace Letterman

    It’s official: Stephen Colbert will replace David Letterman as CBS’ Late Show host. The broadcast network has tapped the 49-year-old Comedy Central host to take...

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Exantrius

    complacency is a dangerous thing. If that rumored google phone service comes up, I'll be there on day 1. At least Google isn't inhibited by historical monopoly power.

  • 10 years ago
    Comment Exantrius

    I was going to switch to AT&T from verizon. Walked into the AT&T store with a nexus 5, just wanted to get a sim card.

    "The next person who can see you will be 45 minutes" says the lady stocking a bottom shelf. Went to t-mobile, and it took 15 minutes to port my number, I was helped immediately.

    Verizon sent me a letter saying I had a bill online, but no way to access it because they disabled my phone number-as-login when I ported my number. Went directly to Verizon store, and it took half an hour for them to figure out how to look up my bill.

    It will be a cold day in hell before either of these companies get me back on their service.

  • 10 years ago
    Achievement Exantrius

    Busy Bee

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  • 10 years ago
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