Downtide's feed

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Downtide

    I used to use Firefox for years but it got too bloated and slow. With reservations I switched to Chrome. But I'd far rather use something that's not owned by Google. I might give Comodo a look.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Downtide

    There's one like that running near where I live. Once a week, at about 9.30am on Friday mornings, a single train runs from Stockport to Stalybridge. There is no return service back the other way. Apparently it has just enough railway enthusiasts use it to keep it open. There's also a really good pub at Stalybridge station but 9.30am is a bit early for beer.

  • 9 years ago
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  • 9 years ago
    Comment Downtide

    Karen Gillan. faints

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Downtide

    Sean Bean. About 20 years ago I used to work for a professional league football club in the UK and one day when we were playing Sheffield United at home, he came to watch the match. I met him at reception and showed him where he needed to go. He was very nice (but I bet he wasn't in such a good mood after the match!) I have also met a number of players/ex-players and managers/ex-managers, probably the most famous ones being Bryan Robson, Gary Megson and Les Sealey. Les was our goalkeeping coach for a short while before returning to West Ham and he would come into our office to do his paperwork and make tea for us all. Sadly he died of a heart attack a few years later, aged only 43.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Downtide

    The worst thing any administration can do is insult their own userbase. I saw this same thing happen (albeit on a smaller scale) with Livejournal which used to be huge but is now nothing (except in Russia for some strange reason).

    ETA: Yishan illustrates exactly why so many people no longer want to be a part of Reddit. It's got nothing to do with free speech. It has everything to do with respect. Or, in this case, the lack of it.

    "racist-sexist neckbeards"?

    I am done with Reddit.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Downtide

    I have done almost the same: here, Empeopled, Stacksity and Commentum. I'm not going to bother with Voat.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Downtide

    I have joined a handful of alternatives since the Great Reddit Blackout, but I haven't considered VOAT mainly because it was always down, but also because it attracts (and welcomes) people like the FPH crowd and I don't want to be surrounded by people like that. I haven't left Reddit entirely yet but I have unsubbed from a lot of subreddits and I do think that it's dying. It won't disappear completely, I don't think. (Even Myspace still exists) but it will be one of those sites that people talk about in years to come, like "You remember Reddit?" "Yeah, is that old thing STILL running?"

    I agree wholeheartedly with what ChrisTyler says: that the future will be several alternatives all co-existing. Perhaps in time they will settle to cater to different population groups, but I see no reason why there needs to be only one.

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