• Jtub

    Just watched a PBE video and saw what the new GP can do, the kegs look really scary! He can shoot them with his Q also!

    • OnlyEzreal

      Can he one shot them? I feel like if he takes more than one attack to destroy them it'll just open him up for harass from the enemy, and it will make it hard to harass with the barrels if it's super obviously telegraphed

      • Jtub

        I'm not too sure on that, I do know that the kegs lose health over time though (once every 2 seconds they lose a bit), from the video that I watched it did look as if he could one shot them, but he had a mid-late game build already.

        Also, one cool thing is that any minions killed by the kegs+Parlay give parlay gold, BANK!