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  • 8 years ago
    Comment Jtub

    I'm not too sure on that, I do know that the kegs lose health over time though (once every 2 seconds they lose a bit), from the video that I watched it did look as if he could one shot them, but he had a mid-late game build already.

    Also, one cool thing is that any minions killed by the kegs+Parlay give parlay gold, BANK!

  • 8 years ago
    Comment Jtub

    Considering he is fairly strong right now, this new patch with these changes are probably going to send Singed over the top!

  • 8 years ago
    Comment Jtub

    Just watched a PBE video and saw what the new GP can do, the kegs look really scary! He can shoot them with his Q also!

  • 8 years ago
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  • 8 years ago
    Comment Jtub

    To go along with your comments, I believe it was MonteCristo that was talking about why Runeglaive Ezreal isn't being seen as much in other regions, mainly LCK/LPL.

    The reasons he gave for it not being utilized in LCK/LPL is because those regions, being on a higher level than NA/EU know how to properly apply pressure early game to shut down a pick like the runeglaive Ezreal.

    Where as in NA/EU they tend to play a slower paced game, allowing the Ezreal to scale to the late game monster that he is.

  • 8 years ago
    Comment Jtub

    I'm really looking forward to how the kegs will work in lane. I can see them being an amazing zoning tool vs melee, but against ranged opponents, not sure how effective they will be. Booby trap bushes maybe! I wonder if they grant vison.