Cord's feed

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Corippus

    One reason for lackluster sales other than the lackluster product is probably the obsolescence that occurs in other tech products makes people weary of buying first generation shit. I mean the first iphone didn't even have 3g.

    The only wearable I want is one that's surgically implanted in me and interacts with my nervous system directly.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Corippus

    Well, it's a new community which means it's more focused on inclusion and welcoming new people at this stage. Also, points aren't prominently displayed on every single comment until you hover over it which is kinda laid back.

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Corippus

    I know you got it right in other spots I was just kidding around with you.

    Posted in: New user question

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Corippus

    Pretty much no matter what path Greece picked would lead to a poor outcome. As true restructuring of their debt obligations wasn't on the table this is probably their best option. I'm curious if they will be immediately forced out of the Eurozone or if the credit negotiations will resume.

  • 9 years ago
    Level Up Corippus

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  • 9 years ago
    Comment Corippus

    I don't know enough first-order logic to read the prolog :(

    Posted in: New user question

  • 9 years ago
    Comment Corippus

    The market was overpriced. Unless they can respond with equal upward pressure it'll still fall short of where it was. Greatly increasing liquidity and reducing margin requirements will only increase speculative activity like what lead to the bubble/bust in the first place.

    They have the possibility of causing a short term rally to maybe even slightly prolonging the bull market, but it will need to correct eventually and this could make that correction worse. The main concern should be if the huge loss effects the underlying economy.