Conversation 9 comments by 7 users
  • geoleo

    Just so everyone knows, there was no suspected foul play such as street racing or anything illegal involved. I'm just not sure how a car can explode like that without some major speeding or racing.

    • N3M0N

      Some clever sleuth in the autoblog comments pointed out there was a gas line right at the place of impact:


    • dmt

      Just looking at the pictures of the car being wrapped around a tree (http://www.nydailyne...rt-article-1.1533786), there's no way they weren't speeding. I don't imagine they were racing anyone, and I hope it didn't involve drugs or alcohol, but there was certainly something illegal happening. It looks a lot like an accident that happened near an apartment of mine several years ago. Some kids were driving 90-100MPH in a 35MPH zone, lost control and hit a tree. 3 kids in the car died instantly, and the engine of the car flew another 100-150' from the rest of the car.

      • messi

        Wow that car was wrapped around that tiny looking tree. Even if the fire didn't break out, I doubt they would have survived. There's no doubt that they were speeding.

    • ChelsG (edited 11 years ago)

      He lost control and crashed into a tree which caused the car to explode.

      • astrograph

        He wasn't driving.

      • geoleo

        Yes obviously, but this isn't a movie set. Cars don't just explode, if anything they catch on fire. I've seen many accidents in my life.