11 years ago
'Fast and The Furious' star Paul Walker dies in fiery car crash
Paul Walker -- best known for his role in "The Fast and the Furious" movies -- died Saturday afternoon after a single-car accident and explosion in Southern California.
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Just so everyone knows, there was no suspected foul play such as street racing or anything illegal involved. I'm just not sure how a car can explode like that without some major speeding or racing.
Some clever sleuth in the autoblog comments pointed out there was a gas line right at the place of impact:
Wow, good find.
Just looking at the pictures of the car being wrapped around a tree (http://www.nydailyne...rt-article-1.1533786), there's no way they weren't speeding. I don't imagine they were racing anyone, and I hope it didn't involve drugs or alcohol, but there was certainly something illegal happening. It looks a lot like an accident that happened near an apartment of mine several years ago. Some kids were driving 90-100MPH in a 35MPH zone, lost control and hit a tree. 3 kids in the car died instantly, and the engine of the car flew another 100-150' from the rest of the car.
Wow that car was wrapped around that tiny looking tree. Even if the fire didn't break out, I doubt they would have survived. There's no doubt that they were speeding.
He lost control and crashed into a tree which caused the car to explode.
He wasn't driving.
Yes obviously, but this isn't a movie set. Cars don't just explode, if anything they catch on fire. I've seen many accidents in my life.
It's relatively rare but not unheard of. It's overdone in movies but it still happens. http://jalopnik.com/...usually-do-560552028
Ironic based on his most popular movie franchise. RIP brother.
Now that I think about it, a lot of people have been dying in Porsches lately... #porscheconspiracy
Here are a few that come to mind..
Racing driver Sean E...e crash in Australia
Porsche driver avoid...y to husband's grave
'Jackass' star Ryan ... killed in car crash
I never thought I'd be this sad. It's a real shame, he seemed like a genuinely kind individual.
As far as i know he never had any scandal. He was totally calmed person living his life.
Umm is this fake?
Sadly its not :(
Really saddened by this. RIP Mr. Paul Walker. Your movies were thoroughly enjoyed by me and my friends.
RIP Mr. Walker. You will be missed. Fast and Furious were very enjoyable movies that will carry on your legacy.
One of the best guys in hollywood, RIP
Age 40 too, that fucking sucks.
This Is The Last Photo Of Paul Walker Before Fatal Accident http://timesfeed.com...fore-fatal-accident/