BurtReynolds's feed
9 years agoLevel Up Burt
Level 8
Burt is now level 8 with 31,235 XP.
View Unlocks- Tribe Creation The maximum amount of tribes you can create has been raised by 2 to a total of 7.
- Tribe Membership The maximum amount of tribes you can join has been raised by 5 to a total of 70.
- List Submission The maximum amount of items you can submit to a unique social list has been raised by 1 to a total of 6.
9 years agoComment Burt
Water is wet.
Posted in: What's something we can all agree on?
9 years agoAchievement Burt
Busy Bee
Maintained a 7 day login streak 2/2 times! Congratulations Burt on this achievement!
+1910 XP -
9 years agoAchievement Burt
Hat Trick
Maintained a 3 day login streak 5/5 times! Congratulations Burt on this achievement!
+3815 XP -
9 years agoLevel Up Burt
Level 7
Burt is now level 7 with 22,405 XP.
View Unlocks- Tribe Claiming You can claim tribes with max level 2.
- Following The maximum amount of users you can follow has been raised by 20 to a total of 160.
- Snapzine The maximum amount of snapzine editions you can create has been raised by 1 to a total of 7.
9 years agoAchievement Burt
Red Eye Jedi
Viewed 50/50 snaps! Congratulations Burt on this achievement!
+1635 XP -
9 years agoAchievement Burt
Chatter Box
Posted a total of 25/25 comments! Congratulations Burt on this achievement!
+3260 XP -
9 years agoComment Burt
Thanks so much for your hard work! I love it!
The Dark theme is perfect, thanks so much, it means a lot to be able to have it!
9 years agoComment Burt
Its me in my MJOLNIR Mark VI Suit (Master Chief)
Posted in: Whats the story behind your avatar??
9 years agoUnspecified Burt
A sculpture from Heinrich Eder
9 years agoLevel Up Burt
Level 6
Burt is now level 6 with 16,135 XP.
View Unlocks- Custom Banner You now have the ability to upload your own custom banner for any of your tribes.
- Tribe Membership The maximum amount of tribes you can join has been raised by 5 to a total of 65.
- Save Credits The maximum amount of save credits you can store has been raised by 2 to a total of 22.
9 years agoAchievement Burt
Good Image
Reached a reputation rating of 67%. Congratulations Burt on this achievement!
+1360 XP -
9 years ago
I play it once a day just to click my resources basically. Once you get to 100+ dwellers it becomes incredibly tedious. I do enjoy it, and it has kept my attention better than other games.
I do like getting the free weekly lunch box. Its fun to see if I get a new character from Fallout.
9 years agoComment Burt
This is a beautiful knife created by Aaron Gough
Posted in: Resolute 5" #005
9 years agoUnspecified Burt
Resolute 5" #005
9 years agoAchievement Burt
Video Vigilante
Published 2/2 video snaps! Congratulations Burt on this achievement!
+1340 XP -
9 years agoVideo/Audio Burt
If Sports Drink Commercials Were Honest
9 years agoComment Burt
He doesn't explicitly say it, but I bet he was in the middle of raiding. "You're in a role where people are relying on you... you can't just pause it"
Hmmm.. wonder what his role is? Tank? DPS? or healer? I would bet a tank.
9 years agoVideo/Audio Burt
A knife made from an old wrench
Trollsky knifemaking - A knife made from an old wrench
9 years agoComment Burt
This is incredible considering its only on iOS devices. I wonder how well it will do once its released to Android.
9 years agoUnspecified Burt
Fallout Shelter rakes in $5.1 mil in two weeks
Bethesda's Fallout Shelter, the mobile game tie-in to the upcoming Fallout 4 where players manage an underground vault full of nuclear apocalypse survivors
9 years ago
Posted in: 2D Low Poly Frog [1920 x 1200]
9 years ago
Posted in: 2D Low Poly Frog [1920 x 1200]
9 years agoComment Burt
This isn't exactly on topic, but something thats been bothering me about the XP system and account leveling.
What is to stop someone from selling their high level account to marketers? If this site were to get bigger, it would be extremely lucrative to level up accounts and sell them to companies in order for them to use them to advertise.
What is going to be put in place to prevent abuse of advertisements such as this?
People who have accounts with high reputation will even be targeted by companies to sell their accounts to them. Who would say no to selling their random Snapzu account for $1000?
I fear, if this place were to get as big as reddit, power users could become a problem due to the current system in place.
9 years agoComment Burt
Here's a good write up from a user from Reddit.
For those unaware, currently the PvP scene is dominated by Alliance, the top few thousand players are 95% Alliance, and about 65% human. With Horde players being in the double digits. This all started a few years ago when racial abilites got reworked, notably the humans gained 'Every Man for Himself', which breaks ANY form of Crowd Control (Stuns, roots, polymorph, etc). This meant that whilst every other race would have to use one of two trinket slots to do the same thing, humans were free to use BOTH trinket slots for damage orientated trinkets as the anti-CC and EMFH racial shared the same cooldown.
A lot of people claim that the racial alone won't win you games, which is true for casual play, where it becomes a case of skill or whoever spent more time gear grinding in extremely casual play. but the top plkayers, those that want every edge possible, were practically forced to go human. The fans of these players also went human to mimic them. As more people went Alliance, Horde players gradually struggled to get decent partners for arena teams or battlegrounds, as all the players that wanted to be the very best had made humans. This led to -more- people re-rolling Alliance, not for the racial, but just to have decent players to play with. This point simply rinses and repeats, as more and more Horde moved sides just to be able to have competent partners.
Since Mists of Pandaria, the last expansion, this had begun reaching dangerous, game affecting levels, but in WoD it's straight up become critical mass. On one hand, the Horde gets instant queues into Battlegrounds and Arena, but their winrate has become 30% between the US and EU, and on Alliance, queue times go from 15 minutes to 40 for a BG, and over an hour for Ashran (The open PvP zone).
In the past, people have always whinged that X faction was dominating, but at best the ratio was 60-40 or thereabouts. not ideal but not unplayable. Now however, with a monstrous amount of faction imbalance across the globe, not just one region, both sides are having their enjoyment hampered. Some more short-sighted idiots love to go all "Whoo Alliance time to shine cuz Horde always dominated lelelel XD". Now ignoring the fact the ratio never broke 60:40, it's worth noting that while there was mild imbalance leaning towards the Horde in the US, the EU has always been Alliance biased. So I myself have never had a moment where the Horde had the numerical upperhand. And even then, the 90% and over ratio is just absurd.
Onto this... "fix".
It's a band aid, nothing more, and it might not even fix anything. Until I know how it works, all I can assume is that Horde players will play as Alliance for the easy wins, and Alliance... probably won't budge, because they win the vast majority of matches (In my experience, 20 matches on either faction since the last patch, Alliance won 20/20, Horde won 1/20. Other players have reported similar cases. Basically Alliance have to wait much longer but are almost guaranteed a win. Horde player morale is also rock bottom, as soon as things go wrong, people just say 'gg' and AFK, or go 'Welcome to Horde' -then- AFK). I mean... why would the Alliance be Horde? Quick queue times followed by a rapid loss?
If anything, this fix will make Alliance queues -longer-, as everyone still playing Horde will just jump over for the easy wins, more than likely, and the OP human racial which Blizz...
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