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Published 9 years ago by BlueOracle with 6 Comments

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  • ThermalShock

    While reading through I was hoping they'd reference a study I've seen mentioned a few times on various sites. It serves as a very effective example of how colour influences our perception of food.


    During one experiment in the early 70s people were served an oddly tinted meal of steak and French fries that appeared normal beneath coloured lights. Everyone thought the meal tasted fine until the lighting was changed. Once it became apparent that the steak was actually blue and the fries were green, some people became ill.

  • Csellite

    It is just crazy how much companies do to make a few cents more on a product. In a way I get it because a buddy of mine is an industrial engineer and that is pretty much his whole job. I'm not even one of those people that eat all natural this and healthy that but I feel like eventually it's going to be like the teen titans where everyone is eating paste that turns into different foods and nothing is real at all.

    • Gozzin

      That's the sort of thing I worry about. I don't want to be tricked into eating processed substances, I want to eat real food.

      • thefireguy

        Although, there is something about the idea of yeast that has been re-constituted into looking like a steak dinner that interests me. There are several sci-fi novels that mention it indirectly, that it may be where man may have to begin their low cost foods. I do agree with you, however, that it would be unfair to have food be mis-marketed. It should be entirely up to the consumer as to whether or not they want processed or whole food.

    • septimine

      It doesn't shock me. People do eat with their eyes, which is why upscale places tend to spend a lot of time working on plating the dishes. If you just slop it on there, people won't perceive it as tasting so good. This is more of the same. Food is fuel, but it's also entertainment in a sense, especially junk food and restaurant food.

      • Csellite

        I completely agree with food being associated with entertainment. In my experience that is generally why we eat. Food has always been around for me so I ate junk food and this and that. There are some places though were people eat what they can get there hands on.

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