9 years ago
Sushi prices under pressure from California drought, international demand
Vancouverites who are in the habit of picking up a cheap Californian roll or packet of sushi and nigiri for lunch may have to start digging a little deeper next time they head to the cashier.
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The price we pay for sushi here in Canada (especially the west coast) is still far lower than Europe where sushi can set you back as much as twice the amount.
I'm always thankful for affordable sushi. ;)
I'm a huge sushi fan, so having relatively cheap sushi compared to much of the rest of the world is a big deal :)
I think frequently about how lucky I am to live somewhere with plentiful and varied food. I was actually freaked out by sushi at first, but now it's my favorite! :D
I'm also a huge fan of pho, damn it its good to live in a place where there is so much variety and culture! :D