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Published 8 years ago by BlueOracle with 90 Comments
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Conversation 6 comments by 5 users
  • i208khonsu

    http://www.reddit.com/r/fatpeoplehate2 reddit works!

    This is not the way you deal with harassment on a forum like reddit. This is what aggravates me most about reddit is that it's now being ran by people who don't understand the Internet. It's also why I have an optimistic outlook for Snapzu. It appears to be ran by people who understand Internet.

    As Pao said they didn't ban the sub because of the offensive content, they banned it because people were posting personally identifiable pictures and the mods weren't up to the task to moderate the forum. They should have suspended the sub for a few days and on the page of suspension page they should have explained why the sub was suspended, given examples of the unpermitted content and explained how to submit the content (censor faces and user names) or if it's something that's simply not permitted that those posts won't be tolerated anymore. Further it should stress that it's their last and only warning.

    Making a global blog post about the sub and telling people not to so something is going to have the exact opposite effect as you intended. In addition to fatpeoplehate2 there are many more fatpeoplehate subs. They just created a hydra that's going to take exponentially more effort to stomp out than taking a day to educate a sub on what won't be tolerated.

  • 8mm (edited 8 years ago)

    Those of you who are on reddit should share / link snapzu and invite people to come over here. If there ever was a good time to spread the word, it's now. Obviously not any of the freaks either, just regular people in the regular subreddits.

    • cuntoprofundity

      Just got here thanks to someone's generosity. This is a beautiful site!

      • specialk16

        I somewhat wish this site were more active. The interface and functionality is years ahead of reddit. then again, with large crowds come large amounts of shit.

      • Grevor

        Same here, feels good to have washed my hands of the hivemind.

    • Borska

      Seems to be working

    • funhonestdude

      Good idea. We can always use a bigger crowd.

  • takai

    I was just watching the fireworks in their announcement's comments page. A lot of people are PISSED.

    • BlueOracle

      Thanks for adding the link! I bet it's mayhem over there. I'll go see for myself...

      • Kyuda


        • BlueOracle

          Meh, it was about what I expected. ;)

        • canuck

          Probably still busy lol

  • [Deleted Profile]

    [This comment was removed]

  • cheezoncrack

    Mmm, but they still fail to ban brigades ranging from r/shitredditsays, r/shitstatistssays, r/shitlibertarianssays, which house some of the most toxic and straight up mentally dysfunctional idiots on the site, let alone they break site rules and ruin discussion all across the board.

    • 0xDEADD00D

      I think precisely that (the inconsistency) is what agitates even people who don't care at all about r/fph.

      • ObiWanShinobi

        Especially when, while r/fatpeoplehate is a rather detestable place, they haven't banned the subreddit r/picsofdeadkids. It just shows the admin's skewed priorities.

  • picklefingers

    Here's my opinion as a fat guy. I am agreeing almost completely with Boogie in this video.. Sure, it was a shitty sub. It was filled with idiots with shitty opinions. However, I think reddit is hypocritical. They advertise themselves as the keepers of free speech but then break that narrative when it isn't financially beneficial for them. And they decide to ban this before /r/coontown, /r/picsofdeadkids, and other much worse subs. I mean it took them goddamn forever to ban /r/niggers. I don't disrespect their decision to make the site less bullying-friendly. I disrespect that they pretend that it actually is a safe space when they ONLY actually take action when it makes them look bad as a business. That is not a safe space. That is hypocrisy. We'll see. I don't think this is the death of reddit. I'm just disappointed with how they handled the situation. Let's see if they keep the promise and actually make a real attempt at making the site a safe space. I really doubt it.

    • bogdan

      I think this is the most important point to make. There will always be people hating on others for whatever retarded reason. Regardless of whether you ban them or not, you will not stop them from thinking it, and they will find other ways of expressing it.

      Why would you want to oppress people who are expressing things on your site? Because it looks bad and it costs you advertisers' money. Really shit move, Reddit admins.

  • Fox

    As much shit that's going on, I still do and will continue to use reddit.

    Drama ain't gonna stop me.

  • canuck

    I bet this will all blow over and return to normal, as always. I'm very surprised they didn't take out all the worse forums like coontown and picsofdeadkids though.

    • picklefingers

      Seriously. I'm a fat guy and I think there were a lot of subs that should've been banned far before FPH. But of course, it was more of a financial choice for them.

    • AdelleChattre (edited 8 years ago)

      Returning to normal, for Reddit, seems to have a certain historical arc.

      The asylum only exists to house the inmates. What the Reddit admins have done here isn’t going to cure anyone. Making an example of a token few subs like this, on the theory that it’ll somehow bring bigoted hellholes like /r/imgoingtohellforthis in line, is asinine. Daresay it’s only going to agitate the lunatics.

      At least half-measures like this mean we’ll still be able to keep tabs on the worst bigots to be found online. They’ll be right there on top of http://www.reddit.com/r/all.

  • kigurame

    Reddit seems to be pretty much undo-able at the moment with the FPH people posting stuff in pretty much any sub they can get away with. seems like there is no escaping it.

    • drunkenninja

      Yeah, it looks like a revolt is coming. If not this month, then next month. A lot of pissed off users.

      • Kysol

        How long did it take Digg to die? From memory it was fast, but I really wasn't watching at the time.

        • drunkenninja

          Actually it took a while, and was very systematic and due to the many mistakes they made thinking they were too big to fail. Once they were in their death throes they did a lot of reactionary stuff like the Digg V4 thing which ended up being the straw that broke the camels back. They wanted to monetize the site and ended up gutting it and forcing everyone to jump ship.

          • Kysol

            I think I became aware of the situation around Digg V4, so that's probably why I thought that it's death was fast.

            • Appaloosa

              Making you sign into facebook to get to digg was the last straw for me. I was there during the digg wars, up close and personal. The politics was pervasive.

  • bogdan

    Well, here I am then.

  • RoamingGnome

    Ellen Pao is such a moron that I'll bet she shops for shoes with Velcro fasteners.

    • sugartoad

      Shes the perfect "fall guy" --- carefully selected to do the carnage (under the guidance of the rest of the board) so that people can have someone to hate during this transitional period, a scapegoat so to speak. The goal being to eliminate free speech and prime reddit for mainstream advertising. Bend over people! They knew that whoever is going to do it needs to be foolish, have strong beliefs in limiting free speech and easily manageable during this phase (honestly, shes the perfect choice!). Once it's over they can fire this "interim CEO", keep the changes and be the white knight that killed the "troll". Problem is, I think they underestimated the power of community here and really pissed off a lot of users in the process.

      We should take the time and grow this place by welcoming the refugees, I have a feeling there will be many of them in the coming months.

  • btcprox

    Many hours later and refugees are still hemorrhaging into the alternatives! I can't even get into Voat, and I'm experiencing a crawl in Hubski. Snapzu seems strangely unfazed though, so... good job?

    I'm kinda worried for Voat though. Not merely because the servers there are melting down, but because now that's the site that has the job of handling the FPH refugees. Not even counting the other refugee groups that have shifted there, e.g. those from /r/conspiracy who were obsessing over the falsely suspicious daycare centre and actually prompted the operators to call the police.

    Another note, reddit was way too hasty and blunt. This kind of harassment should have been tackled way earlier, giving time to implement longer but softer corrective approaches to remedying the toxic behaviour of the offending users. I think reddit might have neglected the issue right until it approached - possibly even breached - the melting point, before quickly trying to sort it out.

    A third note... is Pao really the sole dictator over the site's implemented decisions? She's become quite the favourite scapegoat for freedom-of-speech supporters to attack.

    • sugartoad

      Shes the perfect "fall guy" --- carefully selected to do the carnage (under the guidance of the rest of the board) so that people can have someone to hate during this transitional period, a scapegoat so to speak. The goal being to eliminate free speech and prime reddit for mainstream advertising. Bend over people! They knew that whoever is going to do it needs to be foolish, have strong beliefs in limiting free speech and easily manageable during this phase (honestly, shes the perfect choice!). Once it's over they can fire this "interim CEO", keep the changes and be the white knight that killed the "troll". Problem is, I think they underestimated the power of community here and really pissed off a lot of users in the process.

      /u/btcprox this is my theory --- I may be wrong but it seems plausible.

      • Gozzin

        Ohhhh,clever...It will be interesting to watch, and I bet your right.

    • Gozzin

      I think reddit might have neglected the issue right until it approached - possibly even breached - the melting point,

      So true. However,this is very typical of the powers that be there. They don't anticipate a problem,investigate and deal with it in it's early stages of impending chaos. They wait till the problem gets in their face,or media gets wind of it. Then,and only then do they take action.

  • Splitfish

    Explains all the new followers I'm getting here.

    • GreatMightyPoo

      I've "set up shop" here so to speak a long time ago for when Reddit finally crosses that line of hypocrisy I can't stomach.

    • LikeAGlove

      I think a lot of people are starting to move out (I know I am one of them). I am pretty surprised with what has been going on; seems almost surreal.

  • GreatMightyPoo

    This comment has been removed

  • AvocadoAtLaw

    I just found this website (Loving It!) after browsing for reddit alternatives today. Now, I am not one to call out conspiracies or wear tin-foil hats but this blatant censorship I can not tolerate. Even if the content in those subreddits was offensive, it was legal and they were breaking no laws. The internet is a place for discussion and things cannot be removed because they make you feel hurt. By removing those subreddits they have proven to be no better than SOPA. Shameful.

    • drunkenninja

      It looks like they are paying dearly for their actions. BTW, welcome :)

  • TNY

    So basically what they ended up doing is killing the forum and releasing them to plague all areas of reddit. Smart.

  • AriZona

    I don't think I've ever seen any post reach 100 votes. This must be some kind of milestone.

    • BlueOracle

      I was wondering if it is the first snap to make it to 100. I hope it means there will be a bit more activity around here, but other snaps all seem to be getting about the number of votes that they usually would, so IDK.

      • Splitfish

        I've been noticing a lot more posts reaching 40+. There is definitely an increase in voting, as expected with so many new members.

        • Cobbydaler

          I've seen the opposite. Far less votes for my snaps.

        • BlueOracle

          It's not as big a difference as I expected I guess. The main thing I see is tons more text posts, and those are getting quite a number of upvotes. I like that there's more conversation. That's not really my strong point, I kinda just like posting snaps, but I like reading what people have to say..

  • sgtpeppermd

    I have been on reddit for about 8 years. At one time, it was a small friendly place where people could share cool stories and even help each other out on occasion. That is why I loved it. Lately, I have been disgusted by the amount of nonsense and hate on reddit. Even before this happened, if you browsed r/all, the majority of the top posts were memes, snapchats, instagrams and hate posts. I am a strong supporter of free speech and I disagree with the recent bans, but the fact that people were so angry and have retaliated by posting more and more hate let me know that it was time to leave. So, I hope all of the redditors I have seen around here lately are not the same people who posted in places like r/fatpeoplehate.

  • orchidsystem

    What I find most hilarious about this whole thing, is that barely anyone knew about FPH before they banned it. Now it's just ridiculous. Nearly every news site has a story about Reddit and 'fat-shaming' and how they have all these racist and sick subreddits. They didn't think too hard about how the media would cover this. I mean I know that for the most part the media is sympathetic to Reddit, but they're still not painting the site in a good light in any way. Perhaps they should have left their skeletons in the closet.

    • AdelleChattre

      Subs like /r/imgoingtohellforthis have been highly visible at /r/all for ages. Don't have to scratch the surface much there to find bigots foaming at the mouth, as they do.

      • orchidsystem

        True, but no-one was paying any attention. It wasn't a big news story. Now it is. They've drawn attention to those subs by their own actions.

  • Appaloosa

    Somebody better have their resume up to date.

  • Chubros

    The beginning of the end of reddit? Can it be?

  • Kysol (edited 8 years ago)

    This "F##k you Ellen Pao you SJW piece of s##t." comment got gilded. I don't think people get that they just spent money on a user that will be banned shortly. That or I'm missing something here. Does Reddit Gold act as a shield against banhammers... pth we wish.

    • drunkenninja

      Highly doubt it, but who the hell knows these days.

      • Kysol

        Yeah I didn't think there would be a safe guard like that. I wonder how many people revolting still have an active Reddit Gold subscription. If they really wanted to show their feelings they would cancel the subscription (and I guess a fair few would try to get a refund from Paypal, which I don't think they'll get). Just found it amusing that the comment was being gilded.

        • drunkenninja

          People must be really pissed off if they are willing to take a chance to guild a comment that has a very likely chance of being removed along with the user.

  • kigurame

    It's now quite a few hours later and this is a sampling of /r/all http://i.imgur.com/LrMPh5k.png It doesn't seem to be blowing over any time soon.

    • sugartoad

      Doesn't look like the issue is going away anytime soon.

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