9 years ago
Reddit Alternatives: Where Will Ellen Pao’s Detractors File Out?
Whether or not Ellen and the rest of the management at Reddit has overplayed their hand remains to be seen, but for the second time in a month, the long list of Reddit alternatives are being flooded with traffic. Most of these sites might be classified as Reddit clones than real alternatives, which makes the playing field pretty level for who is going to emerge as the next go-to media sharing site if Pao can’t keep it afloat.
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So far,it's nor followed the basic spirit of Reddit as closely as many refuges might hope.
That's what I like about Snapzu, actually. Voat, for instance, is so clearly a reddit clone that I don't even see why I should bother. It seems to me Snapzu is trying to do its own thing, and that's great. Plus, the community here so far is pretty chill and friendly.
Voat is a Reddit clone that will inevitably become /b/ which is unfortunate. I'm not a huge fan of negative communities like those. When shit hit the fan last time with Reddit, I tried migrating to Voat but couldn't stand it and went back. I just happened across someone who mentioned Snapzu and I've been hooked.
EDIT: Also, I didn't leave Reddit because I support FPH or anything, was just excited to find somewhere new.
Haha, I'm exactly like you. I never cared for FPH, but I went to Voat.co when I saw it mentioned because I was curious. When I saw a straight up reddit clone I couldn't be bothered.
I think if there really were no alternative, I'd just stick it out with reddit... I mean, I'm still on Facebook and half the user base hates it, but we all know it's all there is, pretty much. But Snapzu I like. I think I'm gonna stay!
That's how I was. I figured I would just stick with Reddit unless something really jumped out. I spent half of my day trying to get registered on here before I found a working invite code. There are so many features here that allow for more than just the normal picture or text post. I'm excited to be here and contribute what I can.
Exactly, it seems that Voat is getting the toxic elements from Reddit, and it will not end well specially because they based in Switzerland and hosted by a company based in Germany, both of which have stricter laws regarding things like racism and doxing,
I didn't realize they had stricter laws on those things. I knew they were good places to be if you were running something involving copyright infringement. Maybe they have them mixed up? :)
Believe me Germany isn't a good place to violate copyrights, GEMA (the authors' associations) is free to spy and extort people and companies.
I didn't realize that. Is Switzerland the lenient one?
IANAL but I think Switzerland has less strict copyright laws regarding private copies, for a commercial website there shouldn't be that many differences.
Yes... in fact, it mentions that in the article:
Reddit "refugee" here. Negative communities aren't really my thing. Negative comments or sentiments have their time and place, but I don't think they should be the focus of an entire tribe or subreddit.
I don't think I'll be disappointed.
Ditto. For me, subreddits like FPH and coontown were a source of shame for reddit. I get that these people will congregate no matter what, but I'd rather they didn't do it on a website I call my digital home.
So far so good, Snapzu!
Everyone deserves a place to congregate and speak their mind, but we also have the right to choose to avoid certain things. I'm hoping Snapzu will allow me to remain isolated from the denizens of certain offensively negative subreddits without sacrificing too much variety. I love discovering new things, even if only to find I'm not interested in them.
My thoughts, exactly! Welcome to Snapzu! I hope you won't be disappointed. Make yourself at home, and add to the community that which you yourself appreciate. :)
Thank you! I'll be doing exactly that over the next few days.
Wonderful! I look forward to seeing you around. ;)
haha oh wow, that's a first, I posted that in a half-assed way too, I was going to add examples and whatnot but didn't want to put in that much effort for a simple opinion. Nice to know some people see the same patterns with communities as I do though, hopefully this one doesn't share the same fate.
Reddit was also not a 1-1 replacement for Digg. Different is not necessarily bad.
I almost wonder if the Reddit community might split between several sites, seeing as no clear successor yet exists.
It definitely seems like they will be split. Aside from /r/redditalternatives, the only name I've seen a lot of people throw around was voat.
I'm also not certain that the end of reddit is quite upon us. I think we are definitely going to see some people move out now, but I'm not certain the mass migration event is quite upon us. Although, between this and previous drama a pattern does seem to emerging, so I definitely think it will be coming if the Reddit admins keep acting like the Reddit admins.
Personally I'll still visit reddit for some of the smaller subs but I think I might soon be spending more time here at snapzu. Although right now the layout is still a bit confusing to me I really like the general feeling.
Yeah, I'll be the same way. There are a few niche communities I'm on that just won't show up here for a long time if ever.
That would be my guess. I hope the Snapzu community can retain it's general character of awesomeness during the influx, and maybe the shittier people will feel more comfortable someplace else. One can hope! ;)
I just moved from Reddit, and into Snapzu. It was mentioned on one of the the posts on reddit that no one actually knows where everyone will be going after everything hits the fan. Currently the general trend is that it may be split between VOAT and several other user-based aggregates, including Snapzu.
My hope is that VOAT can be the anything-goes free-for-all that some Redditors crave, and that Snapzu can maintain some level of sanity and civility. Frankly, not everyone sees hosting open hate groups as being okay. There's a certain element online that seems to think having a free Internet platform for hate speech is their birthright. I do not think that's going to fly here on Snapzu. Unbelievably to some, online communities aren't absolute free speech zones by default. The founders and members of a website actually get to dictate what is and is not acceptable. This is not a violation of anyone's rights any more than not being able to have an impromptu poetry slam at the bank is. Different spaces, online and off, are set up for different reasons. It's not a terribly difficult concept to grasp, IMHO.
Welcome, BTW! I hope you enjoy Snapzu. :)
I don't even understand why it became such a defining characteristic for redditors, the anything-goes attitude... I joined reddit five years ago because I liked how complete strangers could have civil and personal conversations. If I had seen the level of hatred and insensitivity that is the norm on reddit these days, I highly doubt I would've registered.
That being said, looking good, Snapzu! Glad Voat is getting the "freeze peach" crowd and Snapzu is looking like it's picking up those who just wanna hang out and have nice conversations.
I agree completely. I mentioned in another thread that one of the reasons I joined reddit was because of the askreddit community. It was so neat hearing opinions and experiences from people all over the world.
It's funny the degrees of hate, because 4chan used to be down on reddit for being so touchy feely goody goody. But there is a segment of reddit that's just as bad as /b/ ever was. I don't know what the solution to that is other than to leave them to it and move somewhere where the red pillers hopefully won't follow...
I just wanted to say this whole conversation is the reason I came here instead of VOAT. There are a few things I will miss about reddit but the hate isn't one of them.
Yeah, I'm quite confused by how that whole thing developed. When I joined a few years back I don't recall ever really seeing any of the hate subreddits like that. I mean, I guess they had to have been there but they didn't seem so prevalent. There were assholes, but, there are always assholes.
I agree.
I created a voat account months ago but ended up not going back to it.
The threads there were full with new and old users insisting on their right to be misogynist and racist. I really don't need that.
So far, I like what I see here on Snapzu: a thriving community, civilized discussions and good content. I really hope, it will be able to pertain its likeable and social character even with such a sudden influx of new users like us right now.
There are still one or two subreddits, i will visit in the future, but in general, I can see Snapzu becoming my new go-to page.
Exactly. Free speech guarantees the right to express oneself somewhere, not everywhere.
Thanks! I'm just hoping that some of the very close knit communities that were built on reddit will move here!
Yeah, I totally agree. From the past several hours, it seems that everyone here is more civilized and generally nicer to each other. Even on the smaller, niche subreddits, there were always extremely rude people or people who would be upvoted to the top of the comment chain for some stupid, tactless joke.
Like right now in r/AskReddit where someone asks about Reddit Alternatives. The top comment is about Pornhub...
I hope the same thing, if we can get a lot of those more angry subreddits onto Voat, and save this site more for the intellectual conversation and discussion, that'd be really neat! :)
This is what I was thinking too.
The atmosphere on Reddit has gone extremely down hill. It just started to feel like a giant cluster-F, even before today. Who knows, they might be the next Digg. As a regular redditor I've seen a whoooolllle ton of unhappy people today, and people basically just bashing reddit - much of which was hilarious.
I suppose only time will tell what happens next.
I was unphased by the whole FPH stuff, but the whole blackout event is such an embarrassment. It's not even a matter of the admins being right or wrong... Just that they can be so clueless about the needs of their mods that it would reach that stage is embarrassing as it is. I'm happy to jump ship if it means I can join a smaller, friendlier community.
My problem with the FPH stuff was simply all the drama that hit so many subs. That is part of what drove me off of reddit today. That combined with the fight between the admins and the mods. I think moderation and censorship are important to having a healthy community, but it needs to be carefully applied with lots of communication.
I would find it mildly humorous if they all went back to digg. Can you digg it?
I think Reddit will meet Digg's fate at this point. People are tired of the drama and censorship there. I loved Reddit but I'm tired of seeing so much negativity. I really just liked to use Reddit for current events, interesting stories and facts, and cute pictures. Snapzu seems perfect so far! :D