• Arbituz (edited 9 years ago)

    Voat is a Reddit clone that will inevitably become /b/ which is unfortunate. I'm not a huge fan of negative communities like those. When shit hit the fan last time with Reddit, I tried migrating to Voat but couldn't stand it and went back. I just happened across someone who mentioned Snapzu and I've been hooked.

    EDIT: Also, I didn't leave Reddit because I support FPH or anything, was just excited to find somewhere new.

    • Triseult

      Haha, I'm exactly like you. I never cared for FPH, but I went to Voat.co when I saw it mentioned because I was curious. When I saw a straight up reddit clone I couldn't be bothered.

      I think if there really were no alternative, I'd just stick it out with reddit... I mean, I'm still on Facebook and half the user base hates it, but we all know it's all there is, pretty much. But Snapzu I like. I think I'm gonna stay!

      • Arbituz

        That's how I was. I figured I would just stick with Reddit unless something really jumped out. I spent half of my day trying to get registered on here before I found a working invite code. There are so many features here that allow for more than just the normal picture or text post. I'm excited to be here and contribute what I can.

    • jmcs

      Exactly, it seems that Voat is getting the toxic elements from Reddit, and it will not end well specially because they based in Switzerland and hosted by a company based in Germany, both of which have stricter laws regarding things like racism and doxing,

      • Arbituz

        I didn't realize they had stricter laws on those things. I knew they were good places to be if you were running something involving copyright infringement. Maybe they have them mixed up? :)

      • jmcs
        @Arbituz -

        Believe me Germany isn't a good place to violate copyrights, GEMA (the authors' associations) is free to spy and extort people and companies.

      • Arbituz
        @jmcs -

        I didn't realize that. Is Switzerland the lenient one?

      • jmcs (edited 9 years ago)
        @Arbituz -

        IANAL but I think Switzerland has less strict copyright laws regarding private copies, for a commercial website there shouldn't be that many differences.