• AdelleChattre

    That's not so. Where else can I turn to find out what famed bigot Milo Yiannopoulos is doing on college campuses lately? Or hear, in students' own words, the horrors of when a notoriously uppity professor said he'd rather his students mess with drugs than the police. Someone's getting ideas above their station. Why, this very minute, I just learned over there that one Ivy League school's failed to meet their unspoken "quota"of Republican professorships. Worse, at another Ivy League school, someone let slip that Columbus may not've "discovered" America, exactly, as such! The nerve of these — what shall we say? — "people." I mean, really..

    • Appaloosa

      I stand corrected....you do follow them. I mean really, zero Republican proffs, it's an outrage. Well by God, the Trumpinator will clean those discrepancies up lickity-split.