• AdelleChattre

    I'm kinda surprised by this. You — of anyone I know — disapproving of something intrinsic to who people are? What, do queer folks have something they need to be ashamed of? Should they take their gaybashings calmly, knowing that it's their fault? I mean, it's not like they're gingers... You know they're born without a soul, right?

    • Appaloosa

      And if I disapproved of someone because of what they are then you should be surprised. I mean aside from politicians, there are not many types of people I don't like. What I can say though is I don't like pampered little bitches lecturing people on how they should self flagellate themselves for being what they are.

      • AdelleChattre

        Where're you getting any of that from? Feel free to cite specific quotes from Hathaway's speech. In fact, feel obliged to.

        • Appaloosa (edited 5 years ago)

          "I know I'm speaking in abstractions, and that there's privilege embedded in my ability to do so,"

          This is pontificating.

          And this Thanos approach to changing things, we have to destroy something in order to savage it. This is just plain bad thinking. Learning to hate yourself is not a winning way of living. Spending all of your time navel gazing into the realm of unconscious bias is a fools errand. Recognizing injustice and not participating in that injustice is a useful step that people can do. Self loathing is not a solution.

        • AdelleChattre
          @Appaloosa -

          You are nothing if not a man of principle. However much it grinds your gears, the quote above is worlds away from a clarion call to self-loathing for whining, straight, white males. Reads to me like it's meant as humility before World Problems.

          How much needless hate and loathing has been justified by saying "That's just the way it is?"

          Whether you're trying to hear it or not, what this pampered rich bitch and UN goodwill ambassador is saying is it doesn't have to be.

          Say what you will about the shrillness of her voice, she ain't wrong.

          The closest I can find to the hatemongering you've put her down for is saying that myths like the pontification found elsewhere in this thread must be challenged. Eventually, even destroyed. Unless you think people are the myths they believe, that's not even about people.

          It's sure as fuck not about making whiny, straight, white males loathe themselves. Unless you mean they, somehow, are the myths they believe too.

        • Appaloosa
          @AdelleChattre -

          I'm a Hathahater. I can't help myself.

        • AdelleChattre
          @Appaloosa -

          Can't stand her on screen. Nails on a chalkboard. And Thanos is high. Once he got the Reality Stone, he could've erased scarcity itself instead of half of everyone. Problem solved.

        • Appaloosa
          @AdelleChattre -

          Erasing scarcity. Is that not what the outrage is about? I am in wonder at diversity. Erasing half starts a new diversity.