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8 years ago+11 11 0 x 1The newest/most trending post here is over a week old. What can be done to bring Snapzu to life?
Place just seems pretty empty. What can be done to attract more people? Nowadays its pretty much posts in the larger subs and then an odd comment here and there. Kind of depressing to see what Snapzu has become, but I'm hoping that this place can really take off one day.
Current Event
8 years ago+15 15 0Android now runs on androids
Any Android developer can program robots now.
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Current Event
8 years ago+25 25 010Gbps downloads and uploads over cable demoed by Bell Labs
Prototype sends 10Gbps over 100 meters of cable (some fiber still required).
Current Event
8 years ago+34 34 0 x 1A Host of Soon-to-be-Expired Patents are Set to Revolutionize 3D Printing
Patents filed on many pre-existing 3D printing processes are about to expire. As this occurs, it will bring on a new era in 3D printing. Machinery and material costs will plummet, and the quality of prints will increase.
8 years ago+12 12 0Our Modern Plague: The Destruction of the Writing Process
The modern mind is a withered object akin to a body devastated by plague. Though the victims have the appearance of health, and the appearance of speech, what has been affected by this plague is an inability to think.
Text Post
9 years ago+12 12 0 x 1Happy Friday evening, Snapzites! Why not relax by letting me write you a short story to your prompt?
Heya! Noticed its been getting a bit stagnant here, so I thought I might be able to help out. It's Friday and I've got a few hours to burn, so if there's anything somewhat short (like, not a full fledged novel) that you'd like to let me write...
If you can't come up with a prompt, this is a nice place to cycle through for inspiration. I'll be sure to respond to every prompt, and I hope some of you will take a shot at a few of them too. Alright, shoot away!
Text Post
9 years ago+2 2 0Check out /t/futurism instead!
Instead of posting here to /t/futurology, post to /t/futurism instead. Its much more active!
9 years ago+13 13 0Boeing just patented a jet engine powered by lasers and nuclear explosions
The US Patent and Trademark Office approved an application from Boeing for a laser- and nuclear-driven jet engine.
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9 years ago+5 5 0/t/writingprompts - where writers create short stories based on user submitted prompts
Heya! I'd like to introduce /t/writingprompts, where users post short-story prompts for writers to write from. The tribes takes inspiration from and is for the most part a copy of Reddit's /r/writingprompts. Prompts can feature any topic, however, different prompts will need different tags. Not a writer? No problem! Submit a prompt and see what people come up with. I'll be responding to any prompts that are posted in the next few days, or at least until other writers start responding. Before you do anything, be sure to read the guidelines. I hope to see you there!
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9 years ago+12 12 0/t/writingprompts - where writers create short stories based on user submitted prompts
Heya! I'd like to introduce /t/writingprompts, where users post short-story prompts for writers to write from. Prompts can feature any topic, however, different prompts will need different tags. Not a writer? No problem! Submit a prompt and see what people come up with. I'll be responding to any prompts that are posted in the next few days, or at least until other writers start responding. Before you do anything, be sure to read the guidelines. I hope to see you there!
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9 years ago+3 3 0Tagging Posts
I've noticed that some tribes such as /t/funny tag posts on the right side. I'm wondering how to set up/use these for my own tribe (/t/writingprompts - feel free to post a prompt while you're visiting, and I'll be sure to respond to it). I've looked through tribe settings and searched for other posts, but can't find anything. Thanks for the help in advance!
Text Post
9 years ago+3 3 0[REQUEST]Writing prompts banner
Fulfilled: Just something simple I'm looking for, really - perhaps just the words 'Writing Prompts' in a neat font with a neat background.
I can't edit the title anymore, sadly.