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Published 9 years ago by Aevitis with 4 Comments

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  • PlaydoughMnstr

    Nasa once considered a nuclear-bomb-pulse engine for a massive rocket. It would have detonated an atom bomb behind itself like, every second and the blast would provide momentum. Crazy.

    Also, engineers once proposed digging irrigation / trade canals with atom bombs. Nothing could have cone wrong, I'm sure!

  • VoyagerXyX

    The future is NOW. This crap is crazy. It reminds me of something Mr. Torgue would say. "NOW YOU'LL FIGHT A GIANT DINOSUAR POWERED BY LAZERS AND NUCLEAR EXPLOOOOSTIONS!" :D haha.

    Seriously though. Wow.

    • snuffy

      This is not an entirely new concept - Project Daedalus examined the possibility of a fusion-pulse driven interstellar spacecraft.

  • newuser

    I think I drew the schematic to this in grade school. I should've got a patent.

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