
Tagging Posts

I've noticed that some tribes such as /t/funny tag posts on the right side. I'm wondering how to set up/use these for my own tribe (/t/writingprompts - feel free to post a prompt while you're visiting, and I'll be sure to respond to it). I've looked through tribe settings and searched for other posts, but can't find anything. Thanks for the help in advance!

8 years ago by Aevitis with 2 comments

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  • LacquerCritic (edited 8 years ago)

    Hi Aevitis - when you say "tags posts on the right side", do you mean these labels in this screenshot here? Screenshot. If those are what you mean, those are not tags assigned by the mod or anything. Rather, when a user submits a snap, they can choose to either leave the snap unspecified or they can choose multiple pre-made options on the dropdown bar such as Video, Image, Current Event, Review, etc. Those options are universal at this time and I don't think you can make custom options for your tribe as of yet. Text posts (such as the one you've created) are their own category separate from snaps.

    Edit: I believe these are the only current snap categories available: screenshot.