9 years ago
Woman Live-Tweets Awkward First Date Conversation From Cafe
Canadian blogger Anne Thériault was minding her own business in a Toronto coffee shop when she heard a date dipped in so much douchebaggery, she actually LIVE-TWEETED the spectacle.
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Actually, if she was actually minding her own business, this series of tweets wouldn't exist, and I wouldn't be subjected to a huge photo of her smirking mug. People have had bad dates before. What makes this news worthy?
Unfounded egotism and the popularity and virality of public shaming.
Yeah. Schadenfreude is pretty popular. Sadly, I'm a little miswired and fail to see how how experiencing other's shitty day is supposed to make me feel better.
It's crazy, 'cause I used to be an expert level troll about ten years ago and stuff like this used to tickle my funny bone. But I just can't wrap my head around this shit these days, mostly because there's no fun or mirth in it, it's all doing it simply to cause chaos and make people feel bad about themselves. It's too one-sided.
Being an asshole online is one thing, but you can't just punch, you have to leave yourself open to retaliation. That's where the entertainment comes from, seeing how someone else could dig into you and if they can do it as good as you can, or better, which is the preferred outcome. To me, it's more about matching wits with someone than excoriating your target.
That guy is a real keeper. Surely he'll get a second date, right?
Sounds like your typical one-upper!
Hmm, wasn't there a story a while back about guy who live tweeted some rude passenger he was passing notes back and forth with on an airplane? Turns out he made it all up because he was bored? This sounds way to extreme to be true.
I honestly can't stand these kind of stories. It's questionable public shaming in a poor attempt to go viral and, frankly, unfunny. I don't think I'll ever see the appeal.
I have to ask how Anne Thériault would feel about having her worst public interaction publicly tweeted by a stranger. Regardless of her motives, she has no real idea what actually happened between these two people. It terrifies me to think that someone might publish a conversation I had while I was at my worst, and exclaim "Look at this idiot!" That's the stuff of nightmares. Those dreams where you're in the office and you realize you forgot your pants have suddenly turned into YouTube's most viral video.